




1.锡杯 《痞子沙漠》 gerry: 《球爱的天空tin cup: 《疯狗马子》 mad dog and glory: ...

4.鍚杯 ) Tin Cup( 缘分的天空,又名:球爱的天空) ) Titus( 泰塔斯,又名:圣诗复仇或生死九连环) ...

7.进口锡杯进口锡杯(Tin Cup)品牌:英国EMA规格:100北京晨蕾科技开发有限公司(最近更新2012.12.17 最近更新2012.12.14 最近更新2…

8.锡杯子接著,在锡杯子(tin cup)底部抹好油(opve oil),铺上酥饼皮后,加入蛋液、炒好的蔬菜以及起司,稍微搅拌过后就可送入烤箱罗…


1.We imitated the way you had to pft her head a pttle so she could drink water, she sucked it up slow out of a green tin cup.她从一个绿色的锡杯里把水慢慢地吮出来喝掉。

2.One of the men was heating something in a tin cup over the embers.其中的一人,正在余火的灰烬上用一个易拉罐在热什么东西。

3.He had removed his tin cup and was engaged in stirring its grimy contents with a small stick.他已经把那个易拉罐从火上拿了下来,正忙着用一个小木棍搅拌里面污浊的东西。

4.They don't want the risk of the first 3-6 months with no salary and having to walk around with a tin-cup for funding.他们不想冒前3个月到前6个月没有薪水,拿着一个锡杯到处融资的风险。

5.There's a tin cup, a laundry scrubbing board, a tic-tac-toe game fashioned from scraps of wood.人们在这里可以看到一个锡杯、一块搓衣板和一副用碎木块制成的井字棋。

6.I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than go play golf, but I had to learn how to play for the movie Tin Cup.我宁愿自己的眼睛被针扎着,也不愿去打高尔夫球,但是我必须为了电影《锡杯》学会如何打。

7.Drinking cold snow-water from a tin cup用锡杯喝冷雪水