




1.小仙女(Tinkerbell)孩子被空中飞来的海盗船偷偷劫走,彼得全然不知,突然小仙女(Tink)从天而降,告诉彼得所发生的一切,彼得半信半疑,小 …

2.廷克 影子 JJ 小小跑神 tink 卍炎之罪恶卍 fiwszanarak ...


1.pst some quapties that you tink are important for a treasurer to have, after each quapty explain why you think it si important.列出一些你认为作为一个财务主管最需要具备的品质,在每一个品质后面解释一下为什么你认为它是重要的。

2.Tink found him hiding under a neighbor's motor home and chased him into the woods, said Wendy Anderson. The dog belongs to her son.温蒂.安德森说,町克在邻居的露营车下发现这名嫌犯的踪影,并一路追到森林里。温蒂的儿子是这只狗的主人。

3.he tried to argue with tink . " you know you can ' t be my fairy , tink , because i am an gentleman and you are a lady . "彼得想和叮叮铃辩论:“你知道你不能做我的仙子,叮叮铃,因为我是一位男士,你是一位女士。”

4.The only human sounds are the constant tink, tink, tink of the masons' chisels ringing in the chill air.唯一源于人类的声响来自于泥瓦匠的凿子,不断的叮当声回荡在冷冽的空气中。

5.Tink, we just want you to be happy.小叮当,我们只是想让你快乐一些。

6.The ice tink is just_some blocks from his home.溜冰馆离他家只有几个街区。

7.tinker bell , " he called softly , after making sure that the children were asleep , " tink , where are you ?他弄清楚孩子们确实睡着了之后,就轻轻地唤道:“叮叮铃,你在哪儿?”

8."Tink bell" the bell rang, we have all the science class back to class.“叮铃铃”上课铃响了,我们下了科学课纷纷都回到教室。

9.So now I look at Montagnier's apparatus, which looks even more rinky-tink than my old gadget, and what I see is a sensitive noise detector.所以现在我回头看蒙塔尼的设备这个比我自己的旧设备更没谱的东西我认为它就是一个非常敏感的噪音检测仪。

10.well , that ' s tink , that ' s the fairy language . i think i hear her too .对了,那就是叮叮铃,那是仙子讲的话。我好像也听到了。