




1.今天是你的生日 ... 03 我们的田野 Our Field 04 今天是你的生日 Today Is Your Birthday 05 真的好想你 Really Miss You ...

2.今天你生日 洪佩瑜 - 踮起脚尖爱 Music Video 谢霆锋 今天你生日 Today is your Birthday 魏如萱 - 麋人 Live+CD ...

3.今天是您生日 ... 您是我永远的月光! You are my moonshine always! 今天是您生日 Today is your birthday ...


1.A pttle bird told me that today is your birthday.消息灵通人士告诉我今天是你的生日。

2.Today is your birthday, I also, I wish to hand in hand, we have to end.今天是你的生日,也是我的,我要许下愿望,我们牵手一直到最后。

3.Dad, today is your birthday full of special happiness for you in every way.爸,今天是您的生日,愿您幸福快乐!

4.My wife , today is your birthday, I wish you forever young and beautiful, your husband always love you.帮我翻成英文:老婆今天是你的生日,祝你永远年轻漂亮,老公永远爱你。

5.My dear, today is your birthday. I wish you happy all days, beautiful forever! Love from your husband.帮我翻译英文:老婆今天是你的生日祝你永远漂亮身体健康,老公爱你。

6.Grandma, today is your birthday, Happy birthday to you!外婆,今天是您生日,生日快乐。

7.Today is your birthday at the age of 25, before today in 25 years.今天是你25岁的生日,在今天之前的25年里。

8.Although today I am very busy, at all events , today is your birthday, so I must come to your party.虽然今天我很忙,但不管怎样,今天是你的生日,所以我一定会来你的派对。

9.Today is your birthday! ! I wish you a happy birthday! !今天是您的生日!!我祝你生日快乐!!

10.Tom: Today is your birthday. First of all, happy birthday to you!汤姆:今天是你生日,首先祝你生日快乐。