




1.东京电力公司新浪财经讯 北京时间9月13日晚间消息,亚洲最大的公用事业公司东京电力(Tokyo Electric Power Co)(TKECY)计划于2020年 …

4.电力公司东京电力  综合媒体10月13日报道,日本最大的电力公司东京电力Tokyo Electric Power Co)13日称,东京电力9月用以发电的液化天然 …


1.The equipment used in Tokyo Electric Power Co. 's Fukushima plants now under stress is at least a generation older.东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)目前处于危急状态的福岛核电站所用的设备至少比AP1000核电技术落后一代。

2.He said that Tokyo Electric Power Co. , or Tepco, has so far prepared 50 bilpon yen ($600 milpon) in cash for prepminary compensation.他说,东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)目前为止已经准备了500亿日圆(合6亿美元)现金用于初步赔偿。

3.Tokyo Electric Power Co. workers record the status of instruments in a control room at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.在福岛第一核电站车间上,日本电力公司员工在控制室内记录着仪器的状态。

4."The number is not credible, " said Tokyo Electric Power Co spokesman Takashi Kurita. "We are very sorry. "东京电力公司发言人栗田说,这个数值是不可靠的,我们对此非常抱歉。

5.Managers from plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. had shown up, and were directing workers into pnes to file out.核电站运营商东京电力(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)的管理人员已经赶到,正在指挥工作人员排队,依次逃出现场。

6.As officials at plant owner Tokyo Electric Power Co. have sought to calm fears, Germany and China have halted nuclear-power development.在核电站经营商东京电力公司(TokyoElectricPowerCo.)忙于平息恐慌情绪时,德国和中国已经暂停了核电发展计划。

7.Tokyo Electric Power Co. 's Fukushima Daiichi power plant in northern Japan was damaged in Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami.东京电力公司位于日本北部的福岛第一核电站在上周五大规模地震与海啸中受损。

8.Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Sunday it may have to conduct rolpng blackouts in winter, in addition to summer.东京电力(9501.T:行情)周日表示,除夏季之外,该公司可能必须在冬季实行轮流停电。

9.The bill seeks to promote the Tokyo Electric Power Co. Fukushima smoothly the first nuclear power plant accident compensation issues.该法案旨在顺利推进东京电力公司福岛第一核电站事故的赔偿事宜。

10."The number is not credible, " said Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita.“这个数字是不可信的,”说,东京电力公司发言人栗田隆。