




1.汤姆历险记博物馆、纪念品店,游客也可沿著密西西比河观光,造访汤姆历险记(Tom Sawyer)场景,也可观看两场超广角的电影:一是 …

2.汤姆·索亚 二个刻度 two marks 《汤姆·索亚Tom Sawyer 杰作 masterpriece ...

3.汤姆·索亚历险记 阿曼尼亚 Almanya 汤姆·索亚历险记 Tom Sawyer 都灵之马 The Turin H…

4.汤姆索耶  轰动美国的汤姆索耶Tom Sawyer)事故是典型的例子。当时汤姆索耶居住在纽约安大略湖边的罗切斯特(Rochester)。


1.Well, one thing was dead sure, and that was that Tom Sawyer was in earnest, and was actually going to help steal that nigger out of slavery.不过有一点是毫无疑问的,那就是汤姆.索亚的确是诚心诚意地打算帮助那个黑人摆脱奴隶生活。

2.In this book, I seem to be pttle hero Tom. Sawyer brought to his childhood, his family, his school.在这本书里,我仿佛被小主人公汤姆。索亚带到了他的童年,他的家、他的学校。

3.Researchers will need the skills exhibited by Tom Sawyer when he persuaded his friends it would be a joyous privilege to whitewash a fence.研究员们需要TomSawyer展示出的技巧,那种可用来说服朋友们粉刷一堵围墙是个令人快乐的特权的技巧。

4.These log rafts are the only means of transportation over to Tom Sawyer Island.这个长长的木筏是到汤姆索耶岛去探险唯一的交通工具。

5.Tom Sawyer and his best friend, Huck Finn, tell stories, fish, and pretend to be pirates along the banks of the Mississippi River.汤姆索亚和他最好的朋友,哈克芬,讲故事,鱼,假装自己是海盗沿着密西西比河银行。

6.Tom Sawyer hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers.汤姆·索亚又把我找到了,说他要组织一个强盗帮。

7.Mark Twain drew a vivid picture of his hometown and the Mississippi region of which he knew best in Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.马克吐温吸引了他的家乡和密西西比地区,而他知道在汤姆索亚和哈克贝利费恩最生动的画面。

8.Tom Sawyer, it was noted, virtually omitted the dark side of pfe.已经提到,《汤姆·索耶》实际上回避了生活的黑暗面。

9."Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a major American writer Mark Twain in the United States children's pfe as the main written.《汤姆索亚历险记》是美国大文豪马克·吐温以美国少年生活为主体写成的。

10."Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is a children's book, after reading so that I began to pity the modern children's books.《汤姆索亚历险记》,是一部孩子的书,读了之后,让我开始怜悯现代孩子的书。