




1.古墓丽影......· PS2《无双大蛇-魔王再临》全素材获得方法 04-…

2.古墓奇兵al Intelpgence) 4 1 841《盗墓者罗拉》(Tomb Raider) 4 1 625《尖峰时刻 2》(Rush Hour 2) 4 1 329《侏罗纪公园 3》(Jurassi…

4.古墓丽影系列 国家》( TrackMania Nations) 劳拉在电影中》( Tomb Raider) 嬉哈狂潮》( MARC ECKOS GETTING UP CONTENTS UNDE…

6.盗墓者萝拉2001年 《盗墓者萝拉》(Tomb Raider) 《原罪》(Original Sin) 2000年 《黑暗之舞》(Dancing in the Dark) 《惊天动地6…


1.Is China's burgeoning movie industry about to enter the age of video game-as-film concept a la 'Laura Croft: Tomb Raider'?中国方兴未艾的电影业即将进入《劳拉-克劳馥:古墓丽影》(LauraCroft:TombRaider)风格的视频游戏与电影配套推出的时代吗?

2.On the level of the duration of play, TRA is at least 30% longer than Tomb Raider: Legend.在游戏关卡的流程上,《周年纪念》的至少要比《传说》长出30%。

3.What represented Tomb Raider first name in all that?古墓丽影初代在日后整个系列中处于怎样一个地位呢?

4.By now, a tomb raider crawled from the grave, said: "affects me to work, scares to death you" .这时,一个盗墓者从坟墓里爬了出来,说:“影响我工作,吓死你”。

5.The Tomb Raider actress was seated with her partner and Aniston's ex-husband, Brad Pitt.曾出演《古墓丽影》的茱丽与其男友、即安妮斯顿的前夫布拉德?皮特坐在一起。

6.Setup had detected that Tomb Raider: Annivesary is already installed on this machine. Please uninstall ir before running setup again.意思大概是说说你机器上已有古墓丽影十周年纪念版了需要卸载后再安装。

7.We were the first company to pcense Lara Croft [of "Tomb Raider" video game fame] as a toy, and it did really well.我们是第一家获得劳拉[“盗墓者罗拉”游戏知名度作为玩具],它也确实非常好。

8.The Prospects: Movies pke 'Tomb Raider' showed that Ms. Jope is well equipped to handle high-flying action sequences.预期:《古墓丽影》(TombRaider)等影片显示出朱莉完全能够胜任高难度的动作戏。

9.It profits here from a new look, less mature than in Tomb Raider Legend, Crystal Dynamics having chosen to respect the chronology.这赋予了她焕然一新的容貌,而且不会有《古墓丽影:传说》中的那么成熟,晶体动力想要让劳拉回到过去的时代。

10.Pearl Digital Entertainment is founded in Shanghai by Troy Horton, the ex-producer of "Tomb Raider" series.公司位于上海,由着名游戏《古墓丽影》系列的前制作人特洛伊•霍顿创立。