




1.明天晚上 ☆most of... 大多数的 ☆tomorrow evening: 明天晚上 ☆amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的 ...

2.明晚 明夜- -tomorrow night 明晚-- tomorrow evening 昨夜-- last night ...

3.明天傍晚 明天下午 tomorrow afternoon 明天傍晚 tomorrow evening 后天 the day after tomorrow ...

4.我明天晚上会见到他 ... tomorrow evening.( 我明天晚上会见到他。) B:Yes,please. 乙:好,麻烦你。 ...

5.来日诰日晚上 ... tomorrow afternoon 来日诰日下战书 tomorrow evening 来日诰日晚上 next month 下个月 ...

6.第二天早上 most students 大多数学生 tomorrow evening 第二天早上 Workers' Club 工人俱乐部 ...

7.今天早晨 tomorrow afternoon 今天下午 tomorrow evening 今天早晨 next month 下个月 ...


1.Just call me Bob. John, we're having a small get-together at my place tomorrow evening. You think you can join us?叫我鲍勃就好了。约翰,明天晚上在我住的地方我们有个小小的聚会,你想你能参加吗?

2.Today is Friday. Let me contact Steven to ask him to have dinner with us tomorrow evening in the old place. Do you agree?今天是周五,我跟史蒂文联系一下,明晚请他吃饭,在老地方见,怎么样?

3.She said that there was going to be a performance in our school tomorrow evening.她说我们学校明晚将要有一场演出活动。

4.Oh, no. Only the suit and coat are to be dry-cleaned. I want to have my blouse tomorrow evening. And I'd pke the collar and cuffs starched.哦,不用。只有西装和外套需要干洗,我明天晚上就需要这件衬衣,还有衣服的袖口和领子要上浆。

5.Tomorrow evening when the enemy arrives, abandon camp. At the fire signal, turn back upon them.来日黄昏,敌军必到,主公便弃营而走;但见火起,即回军掩杀。

6.How about this idea: we invite them out for dinner tomorrow evening.这个主意怎么样:我们明晚邀请他们出去吃晚饭。

7.I had to leave it to be finished tomorrow evening.我不得不留到明天晚上再把它看完。

8.It could happen tomorrow evening because quapfying for the quarter-finals would confirm that we are one of the strongest sides in Europe.明天晚上这就可以实现,因为如果晋级四分之一决赛,就可以说明我们是欧洲最强的球队之一。

9.We'll endeavour to post the results (and a few thoughts) tomorrow evening before embarking on the quest to find our best ever right back.我们尽力将在明天晚上来得出投票结果,然后来找出我们的最好的右后卫。

10.Yes, I would pke to go the then concert with you tomorrow evening. What time does it kick off?好的,我愿明天晚上和你一起去听音乐会,什么时候开始?