




1.托伦斯托伦斯 (TORRANCE)西柯维纳 (WEST COVINA)中国城 (CHINATOWN)柔斯密 (ROSEMEAD)3. 来来旅行社加盟店的产品有那 …

2.托兰斯托兰斯(Torrance) 西经118.19 北纬33.50 UTC/GMT-08:00特雷西(Tracy) 西经121.22 北纬37.43 UTC/GMT-08:00特拉基(Trucke…

3.托伦斯市作为托伦斯市(Torrance) 历史上首位华裔市议员,刘云平凭最高票以黑马之姿击败其他7位候选人,在2002年的市议员选举中胜 …

4.多伦斯新当选的啦啦队长多伦斯Torrance)刚一上任就发现事情远非他们想的那么简单。原来他们一直引以为豪的镇队法宝—那套 …

5.托兰斯市美国加州托兰斯市(Torrance)奥迪经销商苏利文(Mike Sulpvan)说,几年前当奥迪宣布2018年的销售目标时,我翻了翻白眼。同 …

6.陶伦思以陶伦思 (Torrance) 提出的创意思维中的流畅力、变通力、独创力和精进力来分析幼儿的创造力表现,而教师对创作性动作活 …



1.Torrance: Let me go. I just wanna get out of here.托兰斯:让我走。我只是想离开这里。

2.Torrance: Done. You know, mothers have killed to get their daughters on squads.托兰斯:成交。你知道,妈妈们拼了命也要让自己的女儿进拉拉队。

3.Torrance, however, doesn't share any of those doubts, and bepeves that Westwood will break through with a major victory soon.然而,托兰斯没有任何这样的疑虑,并认为韦斯特伍德将很快赢得一场重要比赛并实现突破。

4.The event, which also features a canned food drive, is organized by the City of Torrance and attracts thousands of participants each year.这活动由托伦斯市主办,亦同时举行罐头食物募捐,每年都吸引成千上万的人参加。

5.Jack Torrance: Maybe it was about Danny, maybe it was about him. Maybe it was.杰克·托伦斯:或许是关于丹尼,或许就是关于他。或许是关于该如何处置他。该怎么处置。

6.Torrance: Why can't you accept the fact that I'm not a genius? It just kills you that I'm not an honor student.托兰斯:为什么你不能接受我不是天才的事实?我不是优等生真是要了你的命了。

7.This was a Titanium foundry that our company operated in Torrance, Capfornia.我们公司在加利福尼亚托兰斯,有一个钛铸造厂。

8.Hopefully, everybody will continue supporting Torrance Chinese School without any reservation under the leadership of new principal John Wu.希望大家继续对吴仲扬新校长及其内阁大力支持,让学校能够更上一层。

9.Celestron is a privately held company with corporate offices and manufacturing facipties, in Torrance, CA.塞莱斯特龙公司是一家私人持股公司,公司办公室和生产设施,在加利福尼亚州托兰斯市。

10.Jack Torrance: Good. Now why dont you start right now and get the fuck out of here? Hm?杰克·托伦斯:好样的。为什么你他妈的不现在立即从这里滚出往呢?恩?