




1.酷刑室 [officials in charge of case files] 刑房 [torture room] 刑房 [popce] 刑警 ...

3.拷问室 ◎ 刑事诉讼[ penal action,penal suit;criminal procedure] ◎ 刑堂[ torture room] ◎ 刑庭[ criminal court] ...

5.用刑的房间 ... [criminal law] 刑法 [torture room] 用刑的房间(多指非法的) [prison term;term of imprisonment] 服刑限期 ...

6.进画旁边的房间进画旁边的房间(TORTURE ROOM),点左边(A RECESS?),调查洗脸槽(the sink),在排水口使用钓钩,可得小钥匙(SINKMO…

7.实验设备飞利浦并拥有先进的实验设备(Torture Room)以方便客户在当地做field test/try用于液晶电视在大量生产前的测试准备工作, 搭配 …

8.折磨室地牢(B1/F.)是体验楼层,分别有临时拘禁室 (Temporary Detention Room)及折磨室 (Torture Room)。这层放满1比1的人形蜡像…


1.Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room. Behind her Erik stood, with his hands on her arms.透过墙里的镜子克丽斯廷看着在拷问室里的她的情人。她的身后站着埃里克,他的双手放在她的手臂上。

2.I remember my sister, Maryam, telpng me about the time they took her to the torture room and beat her without reason.我想起了我的姐姐,玛丽亚姆,向我提及她那时被那些人带到了拷问室,无来由的便被痛打一顿。

3.The torture room has a mattress on the floor and blood and posters of half-naked women on the walls.刑讯室的地板上有一块褥垫和血迹,墙上是半裸妇女的海报。

4.I saw mine in that torture room in Tobruk.我在酷刑室里见到我的照片

5.This is Erik's torture room-the room of mirrors!这是埃里克的拷问室——那个都是镜子的房间!