




1.托利党利党党员(Tories),而保守党亦时常被干脆称作托利党Tory Party)。

2.保守党对于英之进步党(Whig Party)与保守党Tory Party),不承认社会上之人为若辈所受累,因此二党完全是享乐主义之团体。…

3.托利档而保守档其实就是原来的托利档Tory Party),属于典型的保皇派的封建贵族遗老遗少们组成的怔档,自由档其实就是原来的 …


1.If Britain's Tory party were ever to leave behind its European nightmare, there would also be a case to revive the old entente.如果有朝一日英国的保守党决定摆脱自己在欧陆的噩梦,或许法国也可以与其恢复以往的同盟关系。

2.She had convinced half of Europe and a good section of America that she was a good leader for the Tory Party.她已经使半个欧洲和美国大多数人相信她是保守党的一个好领袖。

3.All that helps to explain the Tory party's difficulties in thinking straight about Mrs Thatcher, or about itself.所有这些都有助于理解保守党为什么难以清晰地认识撒切尔夫人,或者认识自身。

4.One of the forgotten victims of the financial crash was the project to "modernise" the Tory party.保守党“现代化”的计划成为在金融危机中被遗忘的一个牺牲品。

5.The change was due to be announced at the Tory party conference in Manchester this weekend but was brought forward after news leaked.这个变化是由于周末在曼彻斯特的保守党会议所宣布的内容被新闻界提前走露了消息。

6.Mr Cameron, a repable intellectual weather-vane, ostentatiously cycles to work and has adopted a tree as the symbol of the new Tory party.卡梅伦是可靠的思想风向标,他夸张地骑着自行车去上班,并认养了一棵树作为新保守党的象征。

7.Ranged against them was the old Tory party, which unashamedly backed the landed interest.与他们相对的是托利党,曾厚颜无耻地支持拥有土地的利益集团。

8.The hosts include Mr. Busson, entrepreneur Tom Singh, a Pakistani Prince and Stanley Fink, the hegde funder and Tory Party Treasurer.主办人包括布松,企业家辛格(TomSingh)、一位巴基斯坦王子和对冲基金巨头及英国保守党财务官芬克(StanleyFink)。

9.Since her husband became leader of the Tory party, and later Prime Minister, Mrs Cameron has found herself under the fashion spotpght.自从戴维·卡梅伦成为英国保守党的政治领袖继而成为英国首相后,卡梅伦夫人就一直是聚光灯下的焦点,受到时尚媒体的热捧。

10.Recently he spoke at the Labour Party conference and at the Tory Party conference; I don't think he was there in person.最近,他在工党大会和保守党大会上都发言了;我倒不认为,他在那儿(说话),就成了那儿的人。