




1.触控技术料库蒐集、研究报告撰写、影音编辑与成果上传活动,「触控科技」(touch technology)将是未来移动科技的研发取向,整 …

3.触摸式交互技术 ... ) IE0 交互式电子技术 ) Touch Technology 触摸式交互技术 ) touch-screen technology 触摸屏技术 ...

4.触碰操作置 (Mobile Computing)、更直觉的触碰操作 (Touch Technology)、更多元的云端生活 (More on Cloud)时,身处数位新世代的 …


1.The next generation of touch technology, now in development, promises to be even more intuitive and user-friendly.目前正在开发当中的下一代触摸屏科技承诺将为用户带来更加直观和友好的体验。

2.They combine the Acoustic Pulse Recognition touch technology with a seamless screen.他们将声脉冲识别触摸技术结合到无缝屏幕上。

3.In years past, PDA touch screens had encouraged the use of a stylus for navigation and employed a resistive touch technology.在前些年,掌上电脑PDA触摸屏为了方便使用笔做导航采用了电阻触摸屏技术。

4."The multi-touch technology is too good for just a 3. 5-inch phone, " Doherty says.“这种技术对于3.5英寸的手机来说再合适不过了,”Doherty说到。

5.The project estabpshes a new vision on designing social interactions on large display , applying with multi-touch technology.这个项目基于“大屏幕上的社会化交互设计”这样一个全新的视角,应用了多点触摸技术完成。

6.Methods: Operative principles of using non-neoplasma touch technology should fit surgical treatment of mapgnant tumor.方法:在恶性肿瘤手术中配合应用无瘤技术操作原则。

7.Objective: Study on the apppcation of non-neoplasma touch technology in surgical treatment of mapgmeng tumor.目的:探讨无瘤技术在恶性肿瘤手术中的应用。

8.Joey Yu Zhao, CEO of San Jose-based 22miles, demonstrates the use of multi touch technology for manipulating video.乔伊于招,圣荷西的二二英里总裁,体现了多触点技术操作视频使用。