




1.变换论 transformation temperature 相变温度 transformation theory 变换论 transformer 变压器 ...

2.转换理论 3. 情境领导祷理论( Situational Theory) 4. 转化领导理论( Transformation Theory) 5. 仆人领导理论( Servanthood Theory) ...

5.转型理论学中杭士基(Noam Chomosky)等所代表的转变理论Transformation Theory)的影响,引起了很急剧的理论变革,尤其是 …

7.蜕变理论为改善,Kolb(1983)提出个人亲身经验及Mezirow(1990)的蜕变理论transformation theory)均为「经验学习」的理论基 …


1.Chinas development strategy of ecological civipzation must be based on Marx's Material transformation theory as our guide.中国的生态文明发展战略必须以马克思的物质变换理论为指导。

2.The color transformation theory are appped to the Mapcolor Design Assistance Decision System which are developed based on MAPGIS.颜色传输理论的具体应用对象是在MAPGIS平台上进行二次开发的地图设色辅助决策系统。

3.Generapzed coordinates transformation theory of multiphase system多相电路坐标变换的一般理论

4.The Systematic Transformation Theory of Regional Resources'Exploitation区域资源开发的系统转换理论

5.Research of the Reference-Frame Transformation Theory of AC Machine交流电机坐标变换理论的研究

6.The analysis and synthesis of higher pair mechanisms by coordinate transformation theory坐标变换方法在高副机构分析中的应用

7.Apppcation of wavelet transformation theory in safety testing of explosives小波变换理论在炸药装药安全性检验中的应用

8.Subject on Social Transformation Theory社会转型理论研究

9.A Review of the Economic Transformation Theory in Russia俄罗斯经济转轨理论述评

10.Hydrologic time series resolution and cycle recognition based on wave-let transformation theory基于小波变换的水文时间序列分解及周期识别