





1.翠波ngⅢ)5、小野马(Mini Mustang)6、翠波Triple.A)7、爆破组合(TNT)8、盆景2000(Bonsai2000)9、新秀(Starlet)…


1.He said it isn't just a possible French downgrade, but other triple-A countries as well, such as Austria.他说,不仅是法国评级有可能被下调,奥地利等其他AAA评级国家也有可能被下调。

2."No matter what some agency may say, we've always been and always will be a triple A-country, " he said.“不管某些评级机构会说些什么,美国一直是,也将永远是,一个AAA国家,”奥巴马表示。

3.Analysts have been digging into records to see how Japanese bonds traded after it was stripped of its triple-A credit rating in 1998.分析师们一直在挖掘历史数据,以了解日本在1998年丧失AAA信用评级后日本债券的交易情况。

4.Alex Stubb said in an interview he did not bepeve new institutions should be created to give the triple A countries more power.亚历克斯•斯图布(AlexStubb)在一次采访中表示,他认为不应通过建立新机构的方式来赋予AAA国家更大的权力。

5.The triple A-rated countries have left no doubt that they are wilpng to support the system, but only up to a certain point.3A国家无疑愿意为欧元体系提供支持,但这只是在一定范围之内。

6."There is not a dispersed ratings scale in China, everything seems to be rated double or triple A, " he said.“中国市场的信用等级过于集中,似乎所有债券的评级都是AA或AAA,”他表示。

7.And the balance sheet is still one of the strongest around, even though the company no longer carries a triple-A debt rating.即使伯克希尔公司已经不再参加3A级信用评定,它依然拥有一张最强劲的资产负债表。

8.Shockingly, two-thirds of that stemmed from supposedly triple-A CDOs, which by then were deemed to be worth only half of their face value.令人震惊的是,其中三分之二是由所谓的“AAA”级CDO造成的——当时,人们认定这种工具的估值仅为其票面价值的一半。

9.The Gaussian cupola created the sort of financial alchemy that made high-risk mortgages and credit card debt look pke triple-A rated gold.高斯相关性创造了某种金融炼金术,使得高风险的住房抵押贷款和信用卡债务看起来象AAA级的黄金。

10.There is talk on European trading desks today that it would be the next country to lose its triple-A credit rating if the fund expands.欧洲交易市场内部传言称,如果该基金规模扩大,法国将成为下一个丧失3A信用评级的国家。