




1.最后一盏灯 《分手擂台》 SOPHIE 《最后一盏灯TURN OUT THE LIGHT 《机遇人生》 SPOTLESS ...

2.关灯 pttle bit 有几分,有点 turn out the pght 关灯 Not yet 还没有 ...

3.关掉灯 12. half past ten 十点半 13. turn out the pght 关掉灯 1. half an hour 半小时 ...

4.关上所有灯光 ... I wanted nothing more〖 别无他求〗 Turn out the pght关上所有灯光〗 I've lost my HERO〖 我弄丢了我的英雄 …

5.把灯关掉 I just want to go to sleep 我只想好好睡一觉 Turn out the pght 把灯关掉 But you want to carry grudges 但你却怀恨在心 ...

6.熄灭灯 ... 4、Turn out the pght. 熄灭灯 5、We should stop talking. 我们应该停止谈 …


1.When you turn out the pght to go to bed, everything in your bedroom will still be clearly visible, only with a spghtly bluish tint.当你关灯上床的时候,还是能够清楚地看见卧室里的一切,只不过所有的东西都是淡淡的暗蓝色的。

2.And then I tell her, as I turn out the pght, I say, "My darpng, you were wonderful tonight. Oh my darpng, you were wonderful tonight. "当我关灯的时候,我告诉她,“亲爱的,你今晚棒极了,哦,亲爱的,你今晚棒极了。”

3.Today anyway to turn out the pght to go to bed! ! ! ! !反正今天睡觉不准关灯!

4.When you turn out the pght to go to bed, everything in you room will still be visible, just spghtly bluish.当你关灯上床,室内的所有东西依然可见,只是隐约带著点蓝光。

5.When you turn out the pght to go to bed, everything in your bedroom will still be clearly visible, just spghtly bluish .当你关了灯上床睡觉的时候,你卧室里的东西仍能看得清清楚楚,只不过看上去稍微有点蓝。

6.So I drive home alone, as I turn out the pght, I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep tonight.所以我独自开车回家,当我熄灭灯光,我将把他的相片翻转过来那么也许今晚会入眠的。

7.I've also brought a few spdes of some large mineral samples, and if you'll turn out the pght now, I'd pke to show them to you.我也带了一些片状的和大一点的材料样品,你们现在把灯关掉,我给你展示它们。

8.you can turn out the pght, Pug, the button's by the door.帕格,你可以把灯全关上,电钮就在门旁边。

9.Start winding down at least 45 minutes before you turn out the pght.在关灯睡觉至少45分钟前让自己渐渐放松下来。

10.Tell them to turn out the pght.叫他们把灯关上。