




1.两本书 姐姐和妹妹 Elder sister with younger sister 两本书 Two books 六只猫 Six cats ...

2.举起两本书 (板书划线部分)(举起两本书Two books. (板书) books,erasers,markers…… ...

3.两本书图片 ... 图片 pghs 两本书图片 two books 冻冰阳光图片 Frozen Sunshine ...

4.那儿有两本书 ... )___________ ___________ a dictionary. 这儿有一本书。 )___________ ___________ two books. 那儿有

5.二本书 (two men) 二个人 (two books) 二本书 (two pieces of paper ) 二张纸 ...

6.读两本书 Two books: 读两本书 one kind are books with words: 一本是有字人书 ...

7.书籍 car!) Book [buk] n. 书, 书籍two books) Good [ɡud] adj. 良好的, 令人满意的, 正当的, 适宜的, 令人愉快的(very go…


1.What he took with him were two books.他带去的是两本书。

2.a box of tissues on the ground put two or two books, doing back and forth across the action, do ten minutes.在地上放两个面纸盒或两本书,做来回跨越动作,做十分钟。

3.He bought two books on the street yesterday, and then he gave them to the children.他昨天上街买了两本书送给孩子了。

4.Daniel Tammet is author of two books, Born on a Blue Day and Embracing the Wide Sky, the latter of which came out in January.丹尼尔.塔曼特是《诞生于忧郁日子》和《拥抱广阔天空》这两本书的作者,后者是一月才出版的。

5.The prisoner asked to see Obama's two books last August, at a time when the US presidential elections were entering the home stretch.去年八月,这名囚犯要求阅读奥巴马的两本书,当时美国总统大选已经进入冲刺阶段。

6.Sure, the Kindle's potential market may have shrunk today, since the two-books-a-year folks will now choose the more versatile iPad.当然,如果一年才看两本书的家伙们选择这款多面手iPad的话,Kindle的潜在市场在今天看来已见收缩。

7.This is one of two books that have come out in the past week on Carla Bruni and France's first couple, neither of them entirely flattering.上周出版的两本有关布吕尼和法国总统夫妇的书,言辞完全没有恭维。

8.It depends on how much time and effort they want to put into it, said James Bamford, who has written two books on the NSA.JamesBamford著有两本关于美国国安安全局的书,他说:“这取决于他们花多少时代和精力去对付这件事。”

9.The two books are the same except that this one had a key at the back.除了这本书后面有问题答案之外,这两本书完全一样。

10.You can check out two books at a time. But you can't check out newspapers, magazines and periodicals; they have to be read within pbrary.你一次可以借两本书。但是你不能接报纸、杂志和期刊;它们必须在图书馆里阅读。