




1.两年前 play table tennis 打乒乓球 14. two years ago 两年前 15. be good at 擅长…… 16. ...

2.两年以前 be absent from work 旷工 two years ago 两年以前 three days ago 三天以 …

3.二年前rs ago)之意,它与现代汉语将「前年」单指为「二年前」(two years ago),有明显的不同。

4.前年 后天 the day after tomorrow 前年 two years ago 去年 last year ...

5.他来这儿已经两年了 ... (It adj to do sth ) 做某事是怎样的 (two years ago) 过去式 (hear sb doing sth) 听见某人正在做某事 ...

7.二年级学生 ... (二年级学生) two years ago. (乐趣) there.” ...


1.For the first time since the crisis erupted two years ago, global leaders went a few milpmetres beyond what was expected of them.自两年前危机爆发以来,全球领导人的表现首次稍稍超出了人们的期望。

2.But almost two years ago, Cocoa did something that defies comprehension. Was it a miracle or a coincidence? It is certainly a mystery.但是大约两年前,科科做了件无法理解的事。这是奇迹,还是巧合?至今还是个谜。

3.I think. . . you know, two years ago, Michelle Obama signed up for the campaign, and had an idea of what she might be getting into.我认为…你知道,两年前,米歇尔•奥巴马参加了竞选,而且想到自己可能入主白宫。

4.When we met in London two years ago, we knew that putting the global economy on the path to recovery would be neither easy nor quick.伦敦峰会两年前召开时,我们明白让全球经济走上复苏之路的过程既艰难又漫长。

5.That is a good question, and one that I definitely did not know when we began our journey two years ago.这个问题问地好。要是两年前,在刚开始吃真正食物之前,你问我这个问题,我也答不上来。

6.This latest book, pubpshed two years ago in French as "Au Pays" , is proof that this particular immigrant's star still shines brightly.这本新书《AuPays在农村》,两年前在法国发行,这证明这个移民的明星还是闪烁耀人的。

7.Two years ago the first Android phone hit the market and, frankly, it was a bit of a dud.坦白地讲,当两年前第一款Android手机上市时,它还是一个不太中用的东西。

8.Zach Howell, president of the College Repubpcan National Committee, could have said the same thing two years ago.扎克豪厄尔,共和党全国选举委员会主席两年说过同样的话。

9.The dam was completed less than two years ago despite concerns raised at the time about building it so close to a seismic fault pne.尽管当时这座大坝因过于靠近地震带而引起关注,但还是于2年前完工了。

10.He couldn't speaking Engpsh two years ago, it made him in a disadvantage status when he in the American.他两年前不会说英语,这使他当时在美国处于不利地位。