


英文单词:通用商业语言(Universal Business Language);User Boot Loader;棒球联赛


1.通用商业语言(Universal Business Language)EL[1:0]的不同值决定从何处加载用户的引导程序UBLUSER BOOT LOADER)。



1.Its use of language similar to that of xCBL in expressing its goals is no coincidence: UBL mostly proceeds as an extension of xCBL 3. 0.在表达目标方面,其语言使用类似于xCBL,这并非巧合:UBL通常作为xCBL3.0的扩展进行下去。

2.It will be very interesting to see how best practices emerge for modular processing of UBL documents.UBL文档模快化处理的最佳实践还没有出现。

3.These distinctions make up the business context that turns the component into a UBL BIE.这些区别组成的业务上下文就把组件转化成了UBLBIE。

4.The sample XML is much easier to find than it was the last time I looked at UBL packaging.和上一次寻找UBL包的时候相比,示例XML很容易找到。

5.As UBL and sister technologies continue to mature and develop, I shall keep an eye on them in this column.随着UBL及相关技术不断地成熟和发展,我将对本专栏继续保持关注。

6.UBL, which holds the XML data; the other is a small, specialized table used to hold data shredded from the documents.另一个表是一个小型的特殊表,用于保存从文档中分解出的数据。

7.BIEs make up the UBL conceptual model, organizing business concepts into classes and associations.BIEs组成了UBL概念模型,将业务概念组织到类和关联中。

8.UBL is the most visible artifact of a sizeable and very formal framework for electronic business transactions.UBL是最直观的电子商业事务框架,规模庞大而且非常形式化。

9.UBL takes the BIEs that make up a business transaction and translates them to an XML format for the actual message.UBL将组成业务事务的BIE转化成XML格式,以便将它们用于实际的消息。

10.As I re-read the conclusion from my last UBL article, I find that almost all the points are still relevant.重新阅读上一篇UBL文章的结束语,我发现大部分观点仍然适用。
