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英文单词:溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis);统一通信(Unified Communications);加州大学(University of California)


v.1.in the United Kingdom, a rating given to a video that is particularly suitable for preschool children

1.溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis)在通过全球范围内通信技术领先企业的共同努力,为采用统一通信(UC)的客户提高效率、降低实施成本并改善互操作性体验…

3.加州大学(University of California)加州大学(UC)系统在美国乃至世界上都享有很高声誉,是目前世界上最好的高等教育体系。UC的第一所大学是伯克利加大。

4.加州大学系统面临财政危机,加州大学系统(UC)此次也有七所入榜,其中圣地亚哥加大排名最前,名列第11位,柏克莱加大第18,尔湾加大 …


1.UC is considering offering a bachelor's degree over the Internet that would be comparable in quality to its campus program.加利福尼亚大学正在考虑于互联网上实施学士学位教育,它的学历资质与在校课程等同。

2.And before he was arrested, he had murdered his grandparents, his mother and five co-eds at UC Santa Cruz.在他被捕之前,他谋杀了他的祖父母,他的母亲及在圣他克鲁兹分校的五位女生。

3.She is someone that knows the Truth and I, a graduate of UC Irvine, am very honored to have such an enlightened master on our public campus.我毕业于加州大学尔凡分校,非常荣幸有这样开悟的明师来到我们的公开校园里。

4.It's been used in several academic programs, such as the above mentioned UC Davis course, and by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.这本书被很多大学作为课本所使用,比如上面提到的加州大学,以及NASA的喷气推进实验室(译注:表示不明白具体情况)。

5.Professor Jiang sums up a series of effective TCM treatment of UC under years of clinical experience. Now open access with others.导师姜树民教授,根据多年从事消化病科研及临床工作经验,总结出一套中医药治疗UC的方法,收效颇佳。

6.A good animal model of UC has not been made, and the therapeutic effect is not ideal, whice are the main and difficult questions.现代医学对UC的病因和发病机制尚未阐明,未能建立理想的动物模型及治疗效果不够理想成为溃疡性结肠炎是难点和重点。

7.Hossam el-Hamalawy, a Cairo-based blogger at UC-Berkeley, was one of the people who got word of Buck's arrest.Hossamel-Hamalawy,这位美国加州伯克利大学的开博者,也是众多收到Buck被逮捕消息的人之一。

8.The UC campuses have collectively produced more Nobel laureates than any other university.在加州大学这一系统中所培养出来的诺贝尔奖获得者比其它任何一所大学都要多。

9.Network interventions might be effective against obesity too, says economist Scott Carrell of UC Davis.网络干预对于防止肥胖也可能有效,加州大学戴维斯分校的经济学家挨斯科特·卡雷尔(ScottCarrell)说。

10.The new UC Davis study was supported by the Advancing Theory in Biology program at the U. S. National Science Foundation.加州大学戴维斯分校这项新的研究是由美国国家科学基金会先进生物理论计划资助的。