


网络释义:集装器(unit load device);自由民主联合(United Liberal Democrats);集装设备(Unit Load Devices)


1.集装器(unit load device)ional Party ((GNP) 大国党), United Liberal Democrats ((ULD) 自由民主 连合), Hyundai(现代汽车), 坛 论 om 力 .c 听 ub 语 c...

3.集装设备(Unit Load Devices)动一些重要的货运代理商加强出口货运业务,提交现成的集装设备(ULD),以进一步改善马航货运的仓储理货效率。


1.He said that broken whiskers oco uld be easily replaced without affecting the main body of the robot and its expensive engineering.他说,弄坏的触须能够容易地替换而不影响机器人的主体及其昂贵的工程学部件。

2.I should say, ULD has been around for quite a while but there have been some recent refinements.我必须说,ULD已经产生了一段时间了,但是最近进行了一些精炼。

3.Except for your presence, I wo uld be bored.若没有你在这里,我会感到厌烦。

4.uld never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received.自己的好事别去提,别人的恩惠要铭记。

5.Basic Engpsh Word List as used in the ULD project.基本英语单词表用在uld项目。

6.ULD built up picture & DV record archived as per company procedure.按照公司流程对集装器组装的照片,录像进行存档。

7.Everybody thought anybody uld do it, but nobody reapzed that everybody wouldn't do it.每个人都认为任何人可以完成这件事,但没有人认识到家都不会去做这件事。

8.Sunrays filtered in wherever they uld , driving out rkness and choking the shadows.阳光射入了它所能透过的地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。

9.Acrding to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you uld fulfill?据你估计,你能完成的最年销售量是多少呢?

10.I don't know how that co uld have happened.我不知道怎么会发生那样的事情。