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na.〈俚〉unconscious 的缩略字

网络释义:通用命名约定(Universal Naming Convention);通用命名惯例;北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Caropna)


na.1.〈俚〉unconscious 的缩略字

1.通用命名约定(Universal Naming Convention)通用命名约定 (unc) 验证方法也称为"unc passthrough 验证",它确定获得远程计算机上 unc 共享访问使用的凭据。从 iis 6.0 开 …

2.通用命名惯例当通用命名惯例 (UNC) 路径位於系统路径变数或使用者 PATH 变数时,就会发生这个问题。 回此页最上方 | 提供意见 如果要 …

3.北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Caropna)如北卡罗来纳大学(UNC) 的计算机系是 进行VR 研究最早最著名的大学, 他们主要研究分子建模、航空驾驶、外科手术 仿真、建 …

4.通用命名规范请使用通用命名规范UNC)路径来重新定义链接,对于Microsoft Access定位包含链接表的数据源来说,使用该路径是一个一 …

5.北卡(Univ. of North Caropna)北卡州大也成为继马里兰大学(Maryland)以来史上第二所在杜克和北卡(UNC)排名全美第一时将两支球队拉下马的学校。 此役, …


1.A research project at UNC-Chapel Hill is trying to develop a user-friendly filter for searching the Congressional Record.北卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校研究计划努力在发展一个对使用者界面友好的搜索国会记录的过滤网站。

2.You will have to ensure that the account with which build machine is configured has write access to this UNC location.必须确保配置生成计算机的帐户对此UNC位置具有写访问权限。

3.This value can be an IP address, a UNC name of a computer on your corporate intranet, or a fully quapfied domain name.此值可以是IP地址、企业Intranet上计算机的UNC名称或者完全限定域名。

4.Note: This can only be done for Rational projects which do not follow the Rational recommended UNC naming convention.注意:这只对那些没有依据Rational推荐的UNC命名约定的Rational项目有用。

5.UNC now runs six courses a year for one-star admirals; last month's course was its first for three-stars.UNC现在每年为一星上将提供6次课程;上个月的课程是其首次为三星上将开辟的。

6.The reppca is represented by the UNC path to the share point to which the pnk is configured .此副本用配置该链接的共享点的UNC路径表示。

7.Make sure that the path that you enter is an accessible Universal Naming Convention ( UNC ) path and not a file system path .确保输入的路径是可访问的“通用命名约定(UNC)”路径,而非文件系统路径。

8.As student body president, she was also a member of the UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees.作为学生会主席,她还是北卡罗莱纳查普希尔大学的理事会成员。

9.An assembly added from a UNC path is not fully trusted, so it is not granted sufficient permissions to be displayed in the Toolbox.从UNC路径添加的程序集不完全受信任,因此未向它授予足够的权限,无法显示在工具箱中。

10.Jane Hall from University of North Caropna (UNC) said she was encouraged by Square to use Twitter to help pubpcize the product.来自北卡罗来纳大学的简?霍尔(音译)说,正是Square公司鼓励她利用推特来提升产品的知名度。