


网络释义:卧龙岗大学(University of Wollongong);工作单元(Unit of Work);卧龙冈大学


1.卧龙岗大学(University of Wollongong) 时间戳 TIMESTAMP 事务 UOW 缓冲池 BUFFERPOOL ...



1.Transactions are used to make sure that all transactions that are part of a UOW are executed or that none of them are executed at all.使用事务是为了确保一个UOW中的所有处理要么一起执行,要么都不执行。

2.Unless a timeout value is specified, the db2stop quiesce will have to wait for that UOW to be completed before stopping that member.除非指定一个超时值,否则db2stop默认在停止该成员之前必须等待那个UOW完成。

3.The db2stop quiesce command waits for that UOW to be completed before stopping that member.db2stopquiesce命令会等待UOW完成后才会停止该成员。

4.Only the first statement in a UOW is used to determine if rerouting the statement to another partition should occur.只有UOW中的第一条语句被用于判断是否应该将语句重路由到另一个分区。

5.Any apppcations that complete the UOW within the ten minutes are automatically rerouted to the active members.任何在10分钟内完成这个UOW的应用都会自动转发到活跃成员。

6.UOW statement without using the WITH STATUSONLY option; however, we do not recommend doing this.UOW语句,可以获得相同的状态报告;但不推荐这样做。

7.Sometimes a unit of work (UOW) is started for a user session, but the UOW is not committed or rolled back.有时一个用户会话会启动一个工作单元(UOW),但是UOW不会提交或回滚。

8.UOW also can be obtained from the error log or through the MS DTC monitor.也可从错误日志中或通过MSDTC监视器获取UOW。

9.If, after ten minutes, the UOW is not completed, then the DB2 software will automatically force off that apppcation.如果在10分钟之后,UOW未完成,那么DB2软件会自动强制关闭该应用程序。

10.MS DTC uses the UOW identifier to work with the distributed transaction.MSDTC使用UOW标识符来处理分布式事务。