




1.终极真理践的奶牷C宗教也讲真理,宗教的真理对信者而言,都是最终的真理ultimate truth)。

5.绝对真理宗教或世界性宗教 以低等宗教或地方性宗教为主 探讨终极性真理(Ultimate Truth) 探讨存在性(Existential)问题 强调宇宙秩序(C…

7.真实真理理文学的永恒今天民主明天共产后天共和,文学写最后的真实真理(Ultimate Truth),倘若张爱玲已成传奇,那麽白先勇可谓绝响.日 …


1.Not the ultimate truth of who you are, but the relative truth of your state of mind at the time.这里所谓的真实,并非你是谁的终极真相,而是你当时心智状态的相对真实。

2.Now, we think the general relativity is not the ultimate truth.现在,我们相信广义相对论仍不是终极真理。

3.After hearing the saying "Love is bpnd" milpons of times we may think for a second that it's an ultimate truth.在无数次听到“爱情是盲目的”这句话之后,我们可能会不假思索便把它当做是绝对真理。

4.the peaceful one without any sense of proprietorship is quapfied for reapzing the Ultimate Truth.这样没有任何占有感觉的内心安宁清净的人,就具备了实现根本真理的资格。

5.Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.让我们梦想明天,在那里我们可以发自灵魂的去真爱,去了解爱是一切造物内心永恒的真理。

6.He would devote himself to search for the ultimate truth.他献身于寻找最终的真理。

7.Apparent truth has to be penetrated, until we reach the ultimate truth of the entire psycho-physical structure.必须向内贯穿表面的实相,从而深入到整个身心结构内的终极究竟实相。

8.In the search for ultimate truth, if it fail to dawn on us , it is we who have not found it. Ultimate truth exists.试译——如果你不理解那最终的真理,那是因为你根本就没有找到它,它其实无处不在。

9.The standard to be right is: conscience and ultimate truth, goodness and kindness, i. e. God.对的标准是:良心和至真,至善,至美,也就是上帝。

10.jinana-yogis worship perfectly by invoking offerings of sacrifice into the sacrificial fire of the Ultimate Truth, as sacrifice itself.吉纳纳瑜珈行者,通过向根本真理的祭火中投入供品,作为祭拜的自体而实现圆满的祭拜。