




1.山楂树之恋东风破("Merry-Go-Round") ----- 清新脱俗!

2.山楂树之恋山楂树 泪壶泪壶 Namida tsubo 山楂树之恋山楂树 Under the Hawthorn Tree 橙色 Or…

3.山楂树下 ... 轻风吹拂不停 Under the hawthorn tree 在茂密的山楂树下 The wind gently tousles ...


1.Under the Hawthorn Tree is adapted from the love story of the same name which has been a hit on the internet since 2007.《山楂树之恋》是根据07年以来在网上轰动一时的同名小说改编而成的。

2.His latest film, "Under the Hawthorn Tree, " depicts the innocent love between a teacher, Jing Qiu, and a geologist, Lao San.张艺谋的最新电影《山楂树之恋》描绘了一段女教师静秋和地理学者老三之间的纯洁爱情。

3.Unpke Zhang's previous films that are known for their colorful cinematography, Under the Hawthorn Tree employs natural and basic hues.《山楂树之恋》色调自然、简洁,不同于张艺谋以往以色彩取胜的电影。

4.In his latest film, Under the Hawthorn Tree, Chinese director Zhang Yimou explores a story of young love in 1970s rural China.中国导演张艺谋的新作《山楂树之恋》为我们呈现了一段发生在70年代中国乡村的青年爱恋。

5.'Under the Hawthorn Tree' is showing in Hong Kong theaters now and will be released soon in Japan and South Korea.《山楂树之恋》目前正在香港上映,很快还将登陆日本和韩国的影院。