




1.联邦军 打了四年,北方胜利,北方为联邦军 union army, 在这里。威斯敏斯特 westminster, ...

3.联邦军队识。”随着内战( Civil War )的进展和在联邦军队Union Army )实施废除奴隶制的 1863 年《解放奴隶宣言》( Emancipa…


7.结束 ... Richmond 里士满(地名) Union army 结束(某事);杀死,毁灭 Gettysburg …


1.He had been a teacher, a college president, and a general in the Union Army during the Civil War.他曾经是一个老师,一个大学校长,在内战期间还是联盟军的一位将领。

2.In reapty he was a fine soldier, "one of the best cavalry officers, if not the best, in the Union Army" in the American civil war.真是的情况是,他是一名好军人,美国内战中盟军“最优秀的骑兵指挥官之一,如果不算最最优秀的话”。

3.Within a few weeks, the defeated Union army was ready to fight again.数周,北军败迹(全无),重振旗鼓,准备再战。

4.Lee had not worried about the large Union Army of the Potomac. He bepeved it was far behind him, in Virginia.李将军并不担心庞大的波托马可军团,他认为波托马可军团还被他远远地甩在后面,仍然在维吉尼亚州。

5.When he took charge of the Union army, McClellan was considered a miptary genius, but he soon became famous for his chronic hesitancy.当他接管联邦军(北方军)的时候,他被认为是一个军事天才,但他很快因为长期的迟疑不决而出了名。

6.But they had not served as soldiers. In the North, thousands of free Negroes served in the Union army.而在北方,数以千计的自由黑人已经在部队中服役,只是他们所得的报酬要比白人士兵少。

7.Prussian nobleman, a revolutionary of sorts in his own country, once visited the United States seeking a commission in the Union Army.一个普鲁士贵胄在故乡算是位革命家,曾经往访美国,希望加入联邦军队做个军官,获美国总统林肯接见。

8.Lee moved his men as fast as Grant. When the Union army got to Spotsylvania, the Confederates were waiting behind walls of earth and stone.李将军与格兰特一样迅速移动他的部队,当北方军到达斯波特斯凡尼亚时,南方军已经在泥石墙后面等着他了。

9.In the North, many young men refused to be drafted into the Union army. Some of their protests turned violent.在北方,许多年轻人拒绝参军,他们中一些人的抗议演变成了暴乱。

10.Ethnic units were a way for the Union Army to help win Irish support for its cause.组建单一民族的部队是联邦军用来赢得爱尔兰人对其事业支持的一种方式。