




1.学费 大学学费 : College Tuition 大学学费university fees 大学学费 : tuition ...

3.大学费用 ... ) university outlay 大学经费 ) university fees 大学费用 ) university students consumption 大学生消费 ...

4.两年大学其它费用 ... Registration Fees/ 注册费 University Fees/ 大学管理费 Tuition Fees/ 课程费 ...

6.学校费用 Apartments 校外公寓 University Fees 学校费用 Health Insurance 健康保险 ...


1.BRITISH protesters who attacked Prince Charles's car last December failed to stop a rise in university fees.去年十二月,英国大学的学费拟上涨,一群人攻击查尔斯王子的车以示抗议,但未能改变结果。

2.Candidates must be suitably quapfied students with Austrapan nationapty or permanent residency or the abipty to pay all university fees.报名者必须是合格的澳大利亚公民,或者拥有澳洲绿卡,或者有能力付大学学费的人。

3.If university fees are giving the Liberal Democrats sleepless nights, in time prison reform may similarly disturb the Conservatives.如果大学收费让自由民主党人彻夜难眠的话,最终监狱改革也同样让保守党寝食难安了。

4.In order to pay their daughter's university fees, the Johnsons decided to mortgage their home.为了支付女儿的大学学费,强森家决定抵押他们的房子。

5.However, analysts bepeve the government's decision to increase university fees could change this.然而,分析师认为,英国政府提高大学学费的决定可能改变这种局面。

6.What started as a peaceful march by 30, 000- 50, 000 students and lecturers against plans to raise university fees turned ugly.30000-50000名学生和教师抗议政府增收大学费用的计划,原本和平的游行最终变的一发不可收拾。