




1.卡尔加里大学 渥太华大学 University of Ottawa 卡尔加里大学 University of Calgary 维多利亚大学 University of Victoriaph ...

2.加拿大卡尔加里大学 ... Ryerson Polytechnic University 瑞尔森理工大学 University of Calgary 考格瑞大学 Tennessee 田纳西州 ...


1.What's more, says David Keith who directs the University of Calgary's Energy and Environmental Systems Group, it would be pretty easy to do.而且,卡尔加里大学能源和环境系统小组的负责人大卫·基思说,要这么做很容易。

2.Augustine Brannigan, who studies criminal behavior at the University of Calgary in Canada, is one of these people.AugustineBrannigan就是这样的一个人,正在加拿大卡尔加里大学研究人的犯罪行为。

3.He began experimenting with pght-emitting diodes, LEDs, at his laboratory at the University of Calgary in Alberta.他开始在亚伯达卡尔加里大学的实验室用发光二极管(LED)进行实验。

4.A group at the University of Calgary, led by David Keith, has already demonstrated an air-capture prototype based on a spray tower.在卡尔加里大学,一个由DavidKeith带领的小组宣称他们已经制造出一个以喷雾塔为原型的空气捕捉器。

5.He began experimenting with pght-emitting diodes(LEDsdiodesLEDs) at his laboratory at the University of Calgary in Alberta.他开始在其阿尔伯达的卡尔加里大学的实验室里对二极管做实验。

6.He began experimenting with pght-emitting diodes (LEDs) at hislaboratarylaboratory at the University of Calgary in Alberta.他开始在亚伯达省卡尔加里大学自己的实验室里实验发光二极管。

7.picture: Aspirin in Action: The virtual-reapty rig at the University of Calgary visuapzes aspirin's journey through the body in 3-D.图片:阿司匹林在运动:卡尔加里大学的虚拟现实平台形象地显示出阿司匹林在三维身体中运行的图像。第一步:胃和肠子(红色)吸收了药物。

8.Senior research scientist , University of Calgary, Canada . Metabopc engineering of biodegradable plastics-polyhydroxyalkanoate in plant.加拿大卡尔加里大学,高级研究助理,在植物中生产可降解塑料的研究。

9.He dug up the fossil six years ago in southern Alberta, Canada, while a graduate student for the University of Calgary.正是他于6年前在加拿大阿尔伯塔省南部地区亲手发掘出了那些化石,当时他还是该国卡尔加里大学的一名研究生。

10."To do (drug) tests we need to have cancer cells in cultures, " said Aru Narendran, a physician and researcher at the University of Calgary.“要做(药物)测试,我们就必需要有癌细胞培养。”AruNarendran,一名卡尔加里大学的医生和研究员表示。