




1.犹他大学 BYU 杨伯翰大学 University of Utah 犹他大学 Bennington College 本宁顿学院 ...

2.美国犹他大学 ... 德宝大学[ DePaul University] 犹他州大学[ University of Utah ] 南佛罗里达大学[ University of South Florida] ...

5.尤他大学据知情者透露,秦境均来自台湾台南,1964年离开台湾到盐湖城的尤他大学University of Utah)上学。随之他在旧金山和旧 …

6.犹他大学教育博士1980 犹他大学教育博士 (University of Utah)主要研究领域为运动行销及运动赞助。

7.美国犹他州大学来自美国犹他州大学University of Utah)的Jim Ehleringer的一项研究指出,不同地区自来水中氢氧同位素(主要为氘和O9) …

8.美国犹它大学李天岩1974年至1976年在美国犹它大学 (University of Utah) 数学系任讲师,1976 年至今在美国密执安州立大学 (Michigan Stat…


1.Or how about this touch-sensitive technology from the University of Utah that could be mounted to a steering wheel?或者就是这种由美国犹他州大学可安装在方向盘上的触摸感应技术?

2.Before joining Vera, Todd was an assistant professor of poptical science at the University of Kansas and University of Utah.在加入维拉司法研究所之前,福格勒松先生曾任犹他大学和堪萨斯大学政治学副教授。

3.PROF ROBERT SMITH (University of Utah): It would be extremely devastating on a scale that we've probably never even thought about.PROFROBERTSMITH(犹他州大学):这将是非常大规模的灾难,我们以前可能从来没有想过。

4.Her master's degree is from UMASS at Amherst and her undergraduate studies were at the University of Utah in her hometown of Salt Lake City.硕士学位是在她的家乡城市犹他州盐湖城她从马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特大学本科和研究的是在大学。

5.Johnson began developing the technology in 2002, when he was a research assistant professor at the University of Utah.Johnson2002年任犹他大学研究助理教授时开始开发该技术。

6.Acceptance can be a matter of pfe and death, says David Huebner, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Utah.家庭的接纳,是攸关生死的一个问题,Utah大学的助教DavidHuebner这样说。

7.The 'molecular condom' was designed by scientists at the University of Utah in the United States.这种“分子安全套”是由美国犹他大学的科学家设计的。

8.Other yet-unidentified genetic factors cause the exceptions, said Kevin Chase of the University of Utah, another co-author.另一位共同作者,犹他大学的KevinChase说,其它一些尚未鉴定出的遗传因素导致了这些例外。

9.Those high-frequency sounds convey a surprising amount of information, says Dr Brian Monson, from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.来自盐湖城犹他大学的布莱恩曼森表示,这些高频率的声音蕴藏了巨大的信息。

10."Fewer bars means more radiation, " said Om Gandhi, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.盐城湖市犹他大学电子工程系教授欧姆·甘地说:“信号弱表示辐射更强。”