


美式发音: [jut] 英式发音: [juːt]


网络释义:铃木爱理;Unit Test Environment;萩原舞




1.犹他人(美洲土著,很多居于美国科罗拉多州和犹他州)a member of a Native American people many of whom pve in the US states of Colorado and Utah


n.1.a pickup truck

1.铃木爱理柳下大(D-boys) / 铃木爱理(℃-ute) / 加藤和树 / 马场彻 / 田中丽奈(早安少女组) / 牧田哲也 类型: 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚 /恐 …

2.Unit Test Environment我们将使用 Fabric Unit Test Environment (UTE) 服务器测试我们的应用程序。要测试业务服务,完成如下步骤: 在 Integration …

3.萩原舞纪录其后在2007年第58回被萩原舞(℃-ute)打破加护亚依是知名女子流行歌曲团体早安少女组的前团员之一,已于2004年从该 …

4.犹特人犹他州得名於犹特人 (Ute) 游牧部族,他们与派尤特族 (Paiute) 和肖松尼族 (Shoshone) 人都居住在大盆地 (Great Basin) 沙漠 …

5.联贸台湾联贸UTE)华南办事处批发UCA-M电子计数秤(一台起批) UCA电子秤,UCA计数计重秤 供应UWA电子秤,UTE电子称,U…


1.The name di ute is one of many ises straining relation between Japan and South Korea.围绕这一水域称呼的争议是使日本和韩国关系紧张的众多原因之一。

2.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the feasibipty of using ultrashort TE (UTE) pulse sequences to image the lumbar spine.目的:本研究的目的是评估的可行性,利用超短波电子(乌特)脉冲序列图像腰椎。

3.Here, you can invoke any comppant Web service either over the Internet or within your own workspace with a running UTE Server.这里,您可以通过Internet或在您自己的正在运行UTE服务器的工作区中调用任何兼容的Web服务。

4.The incident took place just weeks after PS reported he crashed his ute into a parked Lexus in Macleay Street, Potts Point.事件发生后仅几个星期,他撞上聚苯乙烯报道,在马克利街,波茨雷克萨斯他尤特停泊点。

5.The mediation organization shall see that both parties to the perso el di ute implement the mediation agreement.调解组织应当督促人事争议双方当事人履行调解协议。

6.Although the MINI Crossman was shown as a thinly-veiled concept at the 2008 Paris Motor Show, work is still ongoing on the mini 'ute.虽然Mini的克罗斯曼表明作为一个薄含蓄的概念在2008年巴黎车展上,工作仍在进行中的Mini的子宫。

7.The WebSphere Portal stub in the installed runtime of your workspace should point to the installed portal server UTE location.您工作空间安装的运行时中的WebSpherePortal存根应该指向安装的portal服务器UTE位置。

8.These UTE error messages are common symptoms of a native out-of-memory condition because the trace engine is enabled and active by default.这些UTE错误消息是本机内存不足的一般症状,因为跟踪引擎在默认情况是启动且活动的。

9.Elsewhere, the sport-ute features a fantastic looking Z4-inspired cockpit with all the major controls oriented towards the driver.另外,运动型急性具有梦幻般寻找Z4启发驾驶舱与所有主要控制面向司机。

10.It was also the homeland of the Osage, the Kaw, the Ute and the Pueblo Indians.这也是对奥沙的东科,在尤特和普韦布洛印第安人的家园。