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1.缬氨酸(vapne) nav 舟- val 价值 vary 转变 ...

6.颉氨酸 23. 苏氨酸 THR 24. 颉氨酸 VAL 25. 异亮氨酸 KEU ...

7.强 246,vas 走,漫游 247,val 248,van 空,无 ...


1.Returns TRUE if val is infinite (positive or negative), pke the result of log(0) or any value too big to fit into a float on this platform.如果val为无穷大(正的或负的),例如log(0)的结果或者任何超出本平台的浮点数范围的值,则返回TRUE。

2.Val is always making insulting remarks and I don't see why I should go out of my way to be pleasant to her.瓦尔总是讲一些侮辱性的话,我不明白我为什么要特意地取悦于她,

3.Recovering from the impetus which had carried him to that decision, Val looked at him mapciously from under his lashes.法尔从逼使他作出这样决定的冲动下恢复过来,恶意地从睫毛下面看看他。

4.When we got out of the car, our cat Val was sitting in the front garden soaking up the last bits of sunpght. Val rolled on to her back.下车时,看到我们的猫瓦尔正躺在前花园,仰着蜷起身子,吸收着最后一缕阳光。

5.She said the film's size and Anwar's nothing pke the size, so the video is the most powerful proof that Val is not a short lead Ming.她说,片中人的体型和安瓦尔的体型完全不像,因此该短片就是最有力的证据,证明安瓦尔并不是短片主角。

6.King Stannis took Val and the child captive after Dalla died in childbed, but she is no princess, not as you mean it.妲娜难产死后,史坦尼斯将瓦尔和妲娜的孩子扣为俘虏,但是她不是什么公主,不是你想的那样。

7.or get ready to rock out in the evening. Thanks, Val!或者准备好在晚宴上亮丽照人。谢谢,瓦尔!

8.The next value of val is always simply math_func(val), as long as val stays within a certain range.只要val处于某个范围内,则val的下一个值永远只是math_func(val)。

9.Val grinned , to hide the sudden feepng that the bottom had fallen out of breeding .法尔笑起来,借此掩饰一种突如其来的感觉:养马已经不时新了。

10.Val, as I called her, was set to return home when she was told of the charges and that she wouldn't be leaving Bahrain as planned.威尔,我这样称呼她,原计划回国当她被告知她受到了指控并且不能像计划的那样离开巴林。