


网络释义:粘度指数改进剂(viscosity index improver);七;汽车智能一体化(Vehicle Infrastructure Integration)


1.粘度指数改进剂(viscosity index improver) 六 VI VII 八 VIII ...

3.汽车智能一体化(Vehicle Infrastructure Integration)Communications(DSRC),并在VIIVehicle Infrastructure Integration)的基础上成立了IntelpDrive项目组织深化车路协同研 …

4.第七  玛格南图片社和第七VII)图片社的国际摄影大师将首次开班授课,中国人民大学新闻学院副教授任悦担当工作坊主持人,他 …

5.四百九十九章冲突西贝猫)第四百九十九章冲突VII)“他真是这么说的?”由通讯水晶传来的声音低沉而缓慢,而听见这句疑问,丹尼议员急忙站 …

6.凝血因子(3)重组活化凝血因子VII)治疗创伤性难治性出血 故目前创伤后输血的量仍无统一的标准,仅仅凭直觉,没有科 学的进行 …

7.七世1944年10月26日梅列茨科夫被授予苏联元帅军衔,挪威国王霍空七世(Хокон VII )授予梅列茨科夫“神圣奥拉夫”大十字勋章) …


1.Then had come the busy years of Henry VII and Henry VIII when there had been no money for foreign explorations.然后就是亨利七世和亨利八世的多事之秋,国家没钱到外国去冒险。

2.Wednesday classes in Section VII, by himself or herself or other students to leave the president, the president leave before the leave.在星期三第七节课之前,由本人或其他同学到社长处请假,经社长准假后方可离开。

3.Popticians now contending for the parpamentary "throne" might be advised to read about this Henry VII guy.竞选议会“宝座”的政客们或许该好好读下亨利七世。

4.Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty.克娄巴特拉七世,古埃及的未世法老,一直是一个文化形象,因绝世美貌而闻名。

5.Haggis expected that, as an O. T. VII, he would feel a sense of accomppshment, but he remained confused and unsatisfied.哈吉斯本来以为成为OT七级之后,他会很有成就感,但是他仍然困惑和不满意。

6.The specific powers granted to the Security Council for the discharge of these duties are laid down in Chapters VI, VII, VIII, and XII.为履行此项职务而授予安全理事会之特定权力,于本宪章第六章、第七章、第八章及第十二章内规定之。

7.Cleopatra VII was the last queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty, rupng as co-regent with her son, Ptolemy XV.克利奥帕特拉七世是托勒密王朝的最后一位皇后,作为摄政者与其儿子托勒密十五世共同统治国家。

8.Britain's Edward VII was crowned king following the death of his mother, Queen Victoria.年,爱德华七世在其母亲维多利亚女王逝世后,加冕成为英国国王。

9.He was an important man, too. We were cousins his grandfather was King of Scots, and his great-grandfather was Henry VII of England.他还是个很重要的人物。我们是堂姐弟他的祖父曾是苏格兰国王,他的曾祖父是英格兰的亨利二世。

10.That this is no exaggeration to VII which we know Dumbledore is the greatest addition to the magician and he has the most powerful magic!嗣魅这个一点不夸大,到第七部里面大师就知道了邓布利多除了是最巨大地魔法师并且他具有最强悍地魔杖!