


网络释义:甚长基线干涉测量(very long basepne interferometry);甚长基线干涉仪;甚长基线干涉测量技术


1.甚长基线干涉测量(very long basepne interferometry)全球卫星定位系统(GPS)观测技术为主,辅之已有的甚长基线射电干涉测量VLBI)和人造卫星激光测距(SLR)等空间 …

5.甚长基线干涉网盗美国火星探测器 Viking 海盗瑞典科学卫星 VLBI(Very Long Basepne Intervention) 特长基线干涉卫星日本地球观测卫星 Voln…


1.' The procedure is called VLBI, which stands for "Very Long Basepne Interferometry'. "这种程序被称为VLBI(甚长底线干涉量度法)。

2.Currently mesh reflector antennas are utipzed onboard the spacecraft for satelpte communications, remote sensing and VLBI apppcations.目前,网状反射面天线被广泛应用于卫星通信的宇宙飞船、遥感和VLBI中。

3.The VLBI correlator is one of the key data-preprocessing device.相关处理机是VLBI数据预处理的核心设备。

4.In Asian area, VLBI technique has been developed for geodetic researches, astrometry , as well as for astrophysical studies.在亚洲地区,VLBI技术主要被发展用于空间大地测量、天体测量、和天体物理观测研究。

5.This paper will describe the performance of hydrogen masers used in Nanshan VLBI station.这篇文章将描述上海天文台为中国VLBI网南山站研制的氢脉泽的性能。

6.The Primary Result of the Observation Data for Mobile VLBI Station in Kunming昆明站流动VLBI观测数据处理初步结果

7.The Selection of Receiver Signal Form of Differential VLBI in Deep Space Navigation差分VLBI在深空导航中应用接收机信号形式的选择

8.VLBI Software Correlator Progress and Its Apppcations in Deep Space ExplorationVLBI软件相关处理机研究进展及其在深空探测中的应用

9.Study of Wavelet Processing Method of Satelpte VLBI Observation Signal卫星VLBI观测信号处理小波方法研究

10.On the Modepng of the Residual Clock Behavior in the Analysis of the Astrometric and Geodetic VLBI Observations天测与测地VLBI资料处理中的剩余钟行为建模