



1.Hermes Soloman was in a camper van at nearby hopday park when the explosion struck, he told VOA News what he experienced.爆炸发生时赫姆斯·索罗曼正在附近一个假日公园的露营车里,他向美国之音讲述了他的体验。

2.Officials of Saladin, a British-based private security company confirmed to VOA News that the Afghan guard who died was employed by them.设在英国的一家私人保安公司“萨拉丁”的官员向美国之音确认这名被打死的阿富汗保镖受雇于“萨拉丁”的报导属实。

3.President Jimmy Carter, tells VOA News the biggest worry now is whether election losers will peacefully accept the peoples' verdict.他对记者说,现在最大的担忧是,落选的人是否会平静地接受选民的决定。

4.mmy Carter, tells VOA News the biggest worry now is whether election losers will peacefully accept the peoples' verdict.前美国总统吉米。卡特是最知名的选举观察员。他对记者说,现在最大的担忧是,落选的人是否会平静地接受选民的决定。

5.She spoke with VOA news about her views on nuclear energy.她向美国之音讲述了她对核能的看法。

6.United Nations spokesman Aleem Siddque in Kabul tells VOA News that it is premature, however, to judge the outcome.联合国发言人西迪基在喀布尔告诉美国之音说,尽管如此,现在来断定选举结果还为时过早。

7.Benjamin Sand, VOA News, Islamabad.本家明,美国之音新闻,伊斯兰堡。

8.You can psten to BBC or VOA news if you want to improve your pstening.如果你想提高听力,你可收听英国广播电台或美国之音的新闻节目。

9.From the VOA News Center in Washington, I'm Gloria Gibson.我是来自华盛顿美国之音新闻中心的乔治亚基本森。

10.We do psten to VOA news programmes now and then, but not regularly.我们现在常常听VOA新闻节目,但是没有规律。