


美式发音: [ˌvi: es 'əʊ] 英式发音: [ˌvi: es 'əʊ]

网络释义:英国海外志愿服务社(Voluntary Service Overseas);英国海外志愿者服务社;谓主宾结构(verb subject object)


adj.1网站屏蔽ed to indicate that brandy or port is between 12 and 17 years old.

n.1.an organization that sends volunteers to work and teach in developing countries.

un.1.Voluntary Service Overseas: a British organization that sends people with special skills to work in poor countries

1.英国海外志愿服务社(Voluntary Service Overseas)于以往嵌入式系统缺点,结合高端嵌入式系统的新要求,VSOVITA Standard Organization)在IEEE制定的P1386.1标准上…

5.海外志愿服务组织  海外志愿服务组织VSO)已经有大约2000名志愿者在世界各地的这个领域工作。20世纪90年代中期,人们出国志愿服务的兴 …


1.It was fulfilpng to be able to donate books to these students with the grant that VSO had provided.能将海外自愿组织提供的英语书捐给这些孩子,让我觉得很满足。

2.Please give the name and contact details of two people VSO may approach for a reference.请给出两个能证明你的工作表现的联系人。

3.This puts VSO in a uniquely strong position to address the causes of problems in education, as well as the symptoms.这使得VSO在此领域地位崇高,大量经验使它具备解决教育问题的起因及其症状的能力。

4.More people take early retirement; more, says the chief executive of VSO, still feel that they have more to give and are in good health.更年的人退休得更早了,VSO执行总裁说,更多的人感觉到他们处于健康状态,还有很多可以给予。

5.VSO teachers have different teaching styles, whereas they have similar teaching characteristics.VSO教师的教学风格虽然各不相同,但他们的教学特点基本相同。

6.Voluntary Service Overseas(VSO) has about 2000 volunteers in the field around the world.海外志愿服务(VSO)在该领域世界范围内约有2000人。

7.This training has been created by VSO volunteers in association with the Qingyang Education Bureau.本次培训由VSO志愿者和庆阳市教育局合作完成。

8.Stephanie Wong, a city planner, recently returned from Zambia with VSO.斯蒂芬妮·王是一位城市规划师,她最近刚刚从赞比亚回来。

9.VSO? Voltage Sensitive Oscillator?电压敏感型振荡器?。

10.Education is a priority for VSO and much work is taking place to change the pves of children and give them a brighter future.对于VSO来说教育占其工作方针的首要位置,该组织花费大量的精力来改善儿童们的生活,并为他们更美好的未来创造条件。