


英文单词:船舶交通管理系统(Vessel Traffic Services);船舶交通服务;船舶交管系统(vessel traffic system)


1.船舶交通管理系统(Vessel Traffic Services)[2013-05-20] 镇江海事局组织召开完善船舶定线制规定研讨会 [2013-05-1…

5.船舶交通服务系统船舶交通服务系统 (VTS)旨在通过采取某些措施 ,监视船舶交通状况 ,整顿船舶交通秩序 ,协助船舶安全航行 .在港口及其他船舶 …


1.It was conceivable that the GMU would have to be abandoned, but at least the VTs and Hovertanks would survive.可以设想这计划将不得不抛弃GMU基地,但至少变形机和气垫坦克能存留下来。

2.As an important component of the VTS, radar is the main means of traffic monitoring and information gathering exercise.雷达子系统作为VTS的一个重要的组成部分,是交通监视及对船舶运动等大量信息搜集的主要手段。

3.Not less than 24 hours before ETA to the VTS Area (or on her departure from the last port of call if the voyage takes less than 24 hours).在预计到达深圳VTS管理区域前不少于24小时(如出发港航程不足24小时,则在离港后)

4.And Skull Team, now augmented to near-squadron size with Beta and Logan VTs, was now the main component of its assigned air group.骷髅中队---现在他们补充了近一个中队的贝塔战斗机和摇石战斗机,成了这支特遣航空队的骨干。

5.But the VTs were there first, two Alphas and a scratch element made up of a Beta and a Logan.但变形战斗机先来一步,是两架阿尔法和一组快速临时编队,包括一架贝塔和一架摇石。

6.Bela held on to the thing for a moment, then donned it, and raced with Miriya for one of the Skull's red VTs.贝拉拿着头盔想了片刻,戴上了它。她同米莉娅你追我赶,向骷髅中队的一架红色变形机跑去。

7.Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is a very complicated system engineering that involves a wide range of professions and industries.船舶交通管理系统(VTS)是一项牵涉面非常广、极复杂的系统工程,开展软科学研究,是合理规划和科学管理的前提和依据。

8.Masked again, Jack, Gnea, and Bela directed Max and his wing men in, and got Rick and the others into the VTs as fast as they could.重新戴上面具后杰克、妮雅和贝拉直接奔向麦克斯和他的僚机,尽他们所能地快速把瑞克和其他人带上变形战机。

9.Therefore, VTS personnel must be adequately trained and qualify sufficient to operate to make VTS normal function.因此,VTS人员必须进行足够的培训和具备足够的资格操作VTS使其发挥作用。

10.This paper proposes an estimate and analysis method, and gives a consistent estimate standard and sets up a VTS estimate frame.对我国港口船舶交通管理系统提出建设后评测和分析的方案,规范并统一评测标准。
