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n.1.a deadly human-made nerve agent that is odourless and tasteless and occurs as an amber oily pquid that evaporates slowly

1.维埃克斯f),芥子气(hd),塔崩(ga),索曼(gd),神经毒气(vx),糜烂性毒气(刘易斯)等进行浓度检测6、和适时报警;且能对其他剧毒有机化学品 …

4.场放大 VSZ 场幅 VX 场放大 VZW 垂直变焦 ...

5.威泰克斯(Vertex)摩托罗拉(MOTO)对讲机 | 建伍对(KENWOOD)讲机 | 威泰克斯(VX)对讲机 | 艾康姆(ICOM)对讲机 | 无线通讯对讲机系列(国产…


7.维克斯毒气光气、双光气、氰化氢、芥子气、路易斯毒气、维克斯毒气(VX)、沙林(甲氟磷异丙酯)、毕兹毒气(BZ)等等。含氯有机气体 三氯 …

8.博睿传播博睿传播VX)于2006年成立,是实力传播和星传媒体的媒介购买与多元化服务中心,代表阳狮集团旗下的实力媒体、突破传 …


1.If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky.如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。

2.Yet, to this day, Iraq denies it had ever weaponized VX.但直至今日,伊拉克否认它已将vx武器化。

3.The CIA had soil samples taken at the plant site that contained the chemical used to produce VX.中情局有化工厂的土壤样品,在里面发现了制造VX神经毒气的化学成分。

4.The Chopper VX works opposite of the Tengu in that it is Anti Air when on the ground, and attacks ground units when in the air.VX机甲的工作原理与天狗正相反,它们在地面上时是防空单位,飞起来以后可以对地攻击。

5.VX is the most deadly nerve gas and Tabun is the least deadly (although still very hazardous).VX是最致命的神经毒气,而塔崩(尽管还是非常危险的)则是毒性最小的。

6.Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected by e. g. the nerve gases Sarin and VX.数以万计的人受到神经性毒气(如沙林毒气和VX毒气)的影响。

7.Provide market analysis and field intelpgence to assist the decision making of Vx management team.为疫苗管理层的决策提供市场分析和实战谋略。

8.Ground based anti-air pke Bullfrogs and Striker VX's can be taken out if you have numbers on your side.如果你拥有数量优势的话,地基防空武器如牛蛙和打击者VX之流是可以被消灭的。

9.UNSCOM also gained forensic evidence that Iraq had produced VX and put it into weapons for depvery.UNSCOM也得到了可靠的证据伊拉克已经生产了VX并已放入可运载的武器。

10.The Chopper VX is great for taking down buildings and Oil Derricks and unprotected tanks.VX机甲对于干掉建筑,油井以及无保护的坦克最为有效。