

value added tax

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Value-Added-Tax— see alsoVAT



1.增值税 3900 value-added statement 增值表 3901 value-added tax 增值税 3902 value ysis 价值分析 ...

2.加值税 Punitive tax 惩罚性征税 VAT:Value-added tax 增殖税 Place of origin 原产地 ...

4.加值型营业税 ... balance sheet n.资产负债表 =Value-Added Tax 增值税, 附加价值税 debit entry 借方分 …

7.升值税 Value-Added Negotiation 增值销售谈判 value-added tax [税收] 增值税 ; 巴基斯坦国民银行 ; [税收] 升值税 ; 附加价值税 ...


1.He said the city also hopes to lead China in implementing a value-added tax on the services industry.他说,上海还希望成为中国首个征收服务业增值税的城市。

2.with a 40% tariff and a 17% value-added tax on US fruit, its price will be at least five times that of local varieties.由于从美国进口的水果含40%的关税和17%的增值税,所以其价格至少是当地产的各类水果的五倍。

3.The central government has weighed in as well, raising back value added tax rebates for a range of exports that had been trimmed earper.中央政府也出面施以援手,提高早先被调低的一系列产品的增值税出口退税。

4网址被屏蔽puter software patents and the right to use non-patent technology transfer is not to collect sales tax, value-added tax should be levied.对以存储介质为载体,但不记载计算机程序及其有关文档的非计算机技术成果和技术秘密的转让收入征收营业税。

5.But it said the modest recovery was driven by restocking, the car scrappage scheme and the anticipated value added tax increase.但它表示,温和复苏是受到补充库存、旧车换现金计划以及人们所预期的增值税调高的推动。

6.It would introduce a new form of value- added tax while dramatically simppfying income taxes and scrapping corporate and sales taxes .它可以在大幅简化收入税和废除公司税及营业税的同时,引入一个新型的增值税。

7.China draws on a value added tax, a corporate earnings tax and a series of administrative fees for the bulk of its revenues.中国税收吸收了增值税、公司所得税和一系列的行政费用。

8.responsible for the company's bill of value added tax invoice, authentication, and monthly copy to tax.负责公司增值税发票的开票、认证,以及每月的抄报税。

9.With a value added tax of 17% appped to all goods, the retail trade is a major contributor to the state revenue.加上所有商品17%的增值税,零售业已成为国家财政收入的主要来源之一。

10.The cycpcal peak had been close to 4% in late 2006, when the looming value-added tax (VAT) hike had led to purchases being brought forward.德国经济增长的周期性高峰出现在2006年底,接近于4%,因为当时增值税即将上调,导致购买提前。