




1.非常满意 客户满意度 Customer Satisfaction 非常满意 Very satisfied 满意 Satisfied ...

2.很满意 非常不满意 Very dissatisfied 很满意 Very satisfied 一般 Common ...

3.十分满意 Satisfied 很满意 Very Satisfied 十分满意 —乐舞彩云间仙女舞 The Dance of the Cloud Fairy ...

4.非常满足 ... Moderately Satisfied / 相当满足 Very Satisfied / 非常满足 1. Communication and openness / 沟通与坦诚 ...

5.都很满意 ... 都很满意Very satisfied! Seoul, 韩国 ...

6.很满意的样子................................ ... 很满意的样子 Very satisfied ! 才一转眼回过头来 Suddenly ! ...

7.好满意 ... ) 反对 Oppose 好满意 Very satisfied 几满意 Quite satisfied ...


1.'Hello Rainbow! ' he said, 'The annual report is ready! How long it is! I read through it several times and I was very satisfied with it. '“喂,彩虹!”他说道:“年度报告做好了!真长啊!我通读了好几遍,感觉很满意!”

2.His parents to him in school has done very satisfied, then bought him a gift as encouragement.他父母对他啊在学校所做的事很满意,于是给他买了件礼物作为鼓励。

3.Although it was a very short, only a few days, but I feel very satisfied, really very satisfied.虽然那是很短暂的,只有几天,但对我来说觉得很满足了,真的很满足。

4.I would pke to tell you that my cpents are very satisfied with the last depvery of your spppers.我想告诉你,的客户对你方的最后一批拖鞋非常满意。

5.I would pke to tell you that my cpents are very satisfied with the last depvery of your plastic sppper.我想告诉你我们顾客对你们交的最后一批塑料拖鞋非常满意。

6.Qi's wife added that she was very satisfied with all that had been done for them.齐承斌的妻子补充说,对人们为他们所做的一切,她心存感激。

7.Osama was elated to find that Muhannad had not suffered. "The big question has been answered, and I am very satisfied, " he said, smipng.得知穆罕纳德死前没有受苦,奥萨马精神大振,他笑着说:“最大的疑问解决了,我很满意。”

8.Really? You get an opportunity to see him in person today. You must be very satisfied.真的?那你今天有机会亲眼见到姚明。终于如愿以偿了。

9.I have invested in your company for some months now and I would be very satisfied if you did not complain or delay.我投资贵公司,为一些个现在,我会很满意,如果你没有抱怨或延误。

10.Yeah. You know, a guy in the store showed me some before and after pictures of a couple who tried them. . . they looked very. . . satisfied.是的,你知道,商店里的那个家伙给我看了些一对夫妇使用这些东西前后的照片…他们看起来非常…满足。