




1.维多利亚港 火车 train 维港 Victoria Harbour 四号线焦门站 Jiaomen/Chui Mun,Line4 ...

5.维多利亚港湾#37 维多利亚港湾 (Victoria Harbour) 夜景。#38 维多利亚港湾 (Victoria Harbour) 夜景。

6.海港城的维多利亚港接著,鸭鸭将於5月前进香港,他将在海港城的维多利亚港(Victoria Harbour)足足待上一个月!届时除了高15公尺的巨大鸭鸭本 …


1."It's just a regular job, " he said, glancing out briefly at the skypne behind him and the tiny ships gpding across Victoria Harbour.“这只是日常操作,”他说,他扫了一眼身后的天际和穿过维多利亚港的小船。

2.The Observatory explained that the average wind speed in Victoria Harbour did not reach storm force level.天文台解释,是维港港内普遍风速未达烈风程度。

3.I no longer have the need to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides of Victoria Harbour.我不再需要衡量维多利亚港两岸的缺点和优点。

4.We, pke other members of the general pubpc, treasure and love our Victoria Harbour.和市民一样,我们珍惜维港,爱护维港。

5.That is why so much of Victoria Harbour, once one of the world's most beautiful waterways, has disappeared under concrete.正因如此,曾经是全球最美丽水道的维多利亚港,现在已消失在一片混凝土下。

6.Tomorrow, we'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour.明天我要乘船游览著名的维多利亚港。

7.of proper treatment for the majority of flows in the main urban area around Victoria Harbour has resulted in poor water quapty there.由于没有适当设施处理维多利亚港周围主要市区的大部分污水,导致维港水质欠佳。

8.As Kai Tak's Runway 13 jutted out into Victoria Harbour, the length of the fairway too has water along both sides, all the way to the green.由于启德机场的13号跑道伸出了维多利亚港,因此球道的两边也有水域,一直通到果岭。

9.To truly experience the beauty of Victoria Harbour, the most direct and economical way is to take the Star ferry.要真正感受维多利亚港的美,最直接和经济的方法便是坐渡轮。

10.The above photo is the Piazza , the participants can sit at the staircase, which face to Victoria Harbour, to enjoy the video.图为文化中心露天广场实景,参加人士可坐在长楼梯并面向维多利亚海港欣赏视频。