




1.去动物园 我的新老师 My New Teacher 去动物园 Visit to the Zoo 春天 Spring ...

2.机巧可爱味滑稽,编曲与变奏手法更加多变与精练,喜感性的演出机巧可爱(如Visit to the Zoo),但写起紧张场面时,又转眼变奏成 …


1.But there's no need to be extravagant. A visit to the zoo, a movie and popcorn, or a spghtly later bedtime can be good motivators.答应孩子们游览动物园,看场电影吃个爆米花,或者特批他们晚睡会儿都是不错的激励方法。

2.parks or on a visit to the zoo, he complained that his legs were tired and that they hurt.要是走得远一些,比如去游乐园或去参观植物园,小琼尼会抱怨双腿疲累酸疼。

3.A trip to the humane shelter, a visit to the zoo, a movie and popcorn, or a spghtly later bedtime can be good motivators.像一次旅行,参观动物园,一部电影和一杯爆米花,或者可以稍微睡得晚一点都是很好的激励方式哦。

4.The itinerary for today's tour is a city tour in the morning, lunch by the river, followed by a visit to the zoo in the afternoon.今天的旅程安排是:上午观光市容,在河边午餐,下午参观动物园。

5.Ms Fischer, 45, snapped the hilarious moment during a visit to the zoo and just happened upon the raccoon's struggle.现年45岁的费歇尔女士当时正好来动物园玩,看到了这只浣熊奋力挣脱的场景,就用镜头捕捉下来了这样有趣的一幕。

6.It is indeed a bad idea to offer a visit to the zoo within educate hopdays.在清华放假期间,参观一下动物园,确实是一个好主意。

7.This was a visit to the zoo.这是一次到动物园的参观活动。

8.Students in our class during a visit to the zoo after the animal for different a different view.我们班的同学在参观了动物园之后,对不同的动物有不同的看法。

9.Yesterday we paid a visit to the zoo.我昨天参观了动物园。

10.Let's pay a visit to the zoo.让我们去参观动物园吧。