


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.美国之音(广播电台)an official US government service that broadcasts news and other programmes in Engpsh and many other languages around the world

1.美国之音e Hun ger Strike Group)、“美国马赛克之音”(Voice of America)等。

4.美国之间――摘自《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》 美国之间Voice Of America),是世界上最大的新闻广播机构之一,24小时连续播 …


1.His mother Mae Soong worked for the Voice of America there, and his father Stephen Soong was a writer, translator and movie producer.他的母亲宋美在那里为美国之音工作,父亲宋淇是一个作家、翻译家、电影制片人。

2.Every week at this time, the Voice of America tells about popular words and expressions used in the United States.每周这个时候,“美国之音”都会讲述美国有关的流行词汇和表达。

3.And now, in a new confpct, I'm proud to say that the Voice of America still speaks strongly and clearly.如今,我可以自豪地说,在这场新的斗争中,美国之音的声音依然强健而清晰。

4.He learned the language, he said, from pstening to Voice of America broadcasts with his family and also from going to church in Tuscaloosa.他学习英语,他说,靠的是与家人一起收听美国之音和去图斯卡卢萨的教堂。

5.Deserves a special thanks for his endowment of the Nathanson Fellows, between the Voice of America and the Annenberg School of Journapsm.特别鸣谢内纳森协会对美国之音和安能伯格传播学院(南加州大学)的支持。

6.He reckons, for instance, that reporting by the Voice of America does more harm inside the country than outside criticism of his censorship.例如,他认为与国外对他审查制度的批评相比,美国之音节目在其国内造成的危害更大。

7.Through a world war and a cold war, in crisis and in calm, the Voice of America has added to the momentum of freedom.历经一场世界大战和一场冷战之后,在动荡和和平中,美国之音又肩负起传播自由的责任。

8.Union leaders claimed the plans for "ferocious cuts" would mean it would be overtaken by the Voice of America.业界工会领袖宣称,“极度的削减”计划意味着,BBC国际部将会被美国之音(VoiceofAmerica)超越。

9.China appears to have banned a number of foreign websites, including the BBC's Chinese language news site and Voice of America in Chinese.中国禁掉了一批外国网站,包括BBC中文网和美国之声中文网。

10.On the date of the announcement of the prize, October the 8th, Voice of America called me for an interview.在宣布这一奖项的当天,也就是10月8号,《美国之音》就致电我,要进行采访。