


英文单词:Women's Business Enterprise


1.Women's Business Enterprisef) The Company is not a "women's business enterprise" ("WBE") or "womanowned business concern" as defined in 48 C.F.R…


1.Let's take a look at a runtime trace captured with the option of com. ibm. wbe. *=all.我们来看一下用com.ibm.wbe.*=all选项捕捉的运行时跟踪。

2.Now that you've created the WBE_to_WESB export and the Business Events function selector, you need to define the binding for the export.现在已经创建了WBE_to_WESB导出和BusinessEvents函数选择器,接下来您需要定义导出的绑定。

3.If the WBE_to_WESB interface is defined as described in the previous steps, the attached function selector will work without modifications.如果按照前面的步骤中所述定义了WBE_to_WESB接口,在所附的函数选择器将正常工作,无需任何修改。

4.The SmarterHealth-WBE. xml project file defines additional blood pressure filters for pre-hypertension, hypertension, and hypotension.SmarterHealth-WBE.xml项目文件为高血压前期、高血压和低血压定义了额外的血压过滤器。

5.Click Export examples and schemas and select WBE Packet Schema, then click OK, as shown in Figure 8.单击Exportexamplesandschemas并选择WBEPacketSchema,然后单击OK,如图8所示。

6.Listing 1 shows the a snippet from wbe_install_debug. log showing an exception message during installation.清单1给出wbe_install_debug.log的片段,其中包含安装期间的一个异常消息。

7.The components associated with Business Events are listed under the group com. ibm. wbe. *.与BusinessEvents相关联的组件在com.ibm.wbe.*组下面列出。

8.Specify wbe for both the user ID and password, and click Next, then Next again.同时指定wbe作为用户ID和密码,单击Next,然后再次单击Next。

9.The default setting is com. ibm. wbe. *=info, which is generally acceptable for production use.默认的设置为com.ibm.wbe.*=info,该设置在一般的生产环境中都是可接受的。

10.Click the WBE Runtime tab.单击WBERuntime选项卡。
