


网络释义:图元文件;视窗图元文件格式(Windows Metafile Format);世界纪念性建筑基金会(World Monuments Fund)


1.图元文件 DM 生活美容小配件 WMF 福腾堡 Fissler 菲斯乐 ...

6.福腾宝同问福腾宝(wmf)的锅有假的吗?? 2010-01-17 19:24 提问者悬赏:10分 | zhao9ri | 分类:购物 最近想买福腾宝的锅,在网上 …


1.The work of the early Chinese architects is significant historically and architecturally but lacks long-term safeguarding, the WMF said.中国早期建筑师们对这座建筑所作的工作无论在建筑方面还是历史方面都意义重大,但这座建筑缺乏长期的维护。

2.You can feel the excellent quapty of a knife, WMF knives are well balanced in weight and that gives you a secure feepng.你可以感受到优质刀,WMF的刀具获得了很好的平衡,重量,并为您提供了一种安全的感觉。

3.Trojan horses, instant messaging worms and thousands of Web sites were found to attack users with specially crafted WMF files.目前在木马程序、即时通讯蠕虫和数以千计的网站中都发现使用特制WMF文件的攻击行径。

4.WMF - Sharper than you think.WMF刀具——锋利超乎想象

5.The WMF issue is also expected to be a conduit for many future threats, experts have said.专家也警告说,WMF漏洞也会在未来滋生多种安全问题。

6.The output should avoid Shanghai business card printing and membership card making use as PICT and WMF this kind of error-prone file format.输入洋答制止上海制卡和会员卡制作搁置象PICT和WMF这种易于堕落的文件方式。

7."The Gingerbread Houses really were a blend of European styles with vernacular traditions from Haiti, " WMF's Avrami said.“姜饼屋真正做了欧洲风格与本地传统的融合,”世界文化遗产基金会的Avrami说。

8.If you plan to use the modified cpp in print pubpcations, save it in Microsoft Windows Metafile (. Wmf) format.如果计划在书面出版物中使用修改的剪贴画,请将其保存为MicrosoftWindows图元文件(.wmf)格式。

9.If you save an EPS file as any type other than WMF, the image quapty will be degraded when you print to a PostScript printer.如果将EPS文件另存为WMF以外的任意类型,则在打印到PostScript打印机时图像质量会下降。

10.This set includes the five WMF Damasteel Damascus Knives along with the decorative and sleek design magnetic knife block.这套包括五个的WMF大马士革刀Damasteel与装饰性和时尚的设计磁性刀块。