


美式发音: [ˌdʌb(ə)lju pi ˈaɪ] 英式发音: [ˌdʌb(ə)ljuː piː ˈaɪ]

网络释义:批发物价指数(Wholesale Price Index);批发价格指数;伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)


na.1.wholesale price index

1.批发物价指数(Wholesale Price Index)根据批发物价指数(WPI)计算的整体通货膨胀率在去年12月降至了两年来最低点7.47%。穆克吉说:“到2012年3月底,整体通胀 …


3.伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)伍斯特理工学院wpi) 20 ]0 y% g# }9 v* C5 d& H* Z/ I纽约大学 3/ c) d7 s1 z4 C) O) [' z) }纽约州立大学石溪分校 4 E& ^$ R8 […

4.乳清蛋白(Whey Protein Isolate)研究人员对分离乳清蛋白WPI)粉和浓缩乳清蛋白(WPC)粉,以及一份 10% 的分离乳清蛋白进行了超临界二氧化碳处理。 …

5.乳清分离蛋白本文以乳清分离蛋白(WPI)为原料,以新兴的非热处理技术-超高压食品加工为手段,对加压WPI凝胶蛋白质体外消化性及其钙生 …

6.趸售物价(wholesale prices index)而在趸售物价(WPI)方面,虽然国际能源价格於高档盘旋,但由於台币的升值,抵消了部份的涨幅,以致於上半年进口物价并未有太大 …


1.So needless to say, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of undergraduate software or system security courses offered at WPI.所以不用说,我有一点失望的是WPI没有提供大学软件或系统安全课程。

2.I've been using early versions of it at WPI and have found it a joy to use.我在WPI中用过早期版本,并且很高兴使用它。

3.I thought WPI was a great experience! Yes, it was very expensive, but I think I got a great education.伍斯特理工学院的学费很贵,但是我获得了良好的教育。

4.Whey protein isolate (WPI) is one of common-used film-forming materials, and is good barrier to oxygen while poor barrier to water vapor.乳清蛋白是常用的成膜材料,乳清蛋白膜对氧气等气体有良好的阻隔能力,但其机械强度和水蒸气透过率较差。

5.Two of my students just completed their major quapfying project (MQP), a graduation requirement at WPI.我的两个学生刚完成他们的专业资格考试工程(majorquapfyingproject,MQP),WPI的毕业要求。

6.With my student's permission, I've provided their names and year they'll graduate from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).在征得了学生们的同意之后,我将他们的姓名从伍斯特工学院(WPI)毕业的年份标记出来。

7.After five years at WPI I'm still learning how to be a good teacher and am working at improving my teaching skills.虽然已经在WPI工作五年了,可是我仍然在学习如何成为一名优秀的教师,仍然在提高自己的授课技能。

8.If you are smart and ambitious, WPI is a place that will do amazing things for your career.如果你很聪明而且雄心勃勃,伍斯特理工学院能为你的职业生涯提供很好的平台。

9.That speech is also a great primer on how Indian WPI inflation is calculated; Mr Mohanty was making it soon after the basket was revised.那次演讲也是对印度的批发价格指数通胀率计算方法的入门;莫汉蒂先生是在反映市场变动的一篮子被修订不久后做的演讲。

10.Next year, Professor Claypool will bring his expertise to bear on WPI's new interactive media and games development major.明年Claypool教授将会提出有关WPI的新的交互媒体和游戏开发课程的专业技术。