


网络释义:世界新闻摄影比赛(World Press Photo);波前平行运算(Wavefront Parallel Processing);集团


1.世界新闻摄影比赛(World Press Photo) Canadian National / 加拿大国有铁路 WPP / WPP 集团 Express Scripts / ES 药品福利 …


1.The WPP boss explains bluntly: "Why did I pick Charlotte Beers? She had the attention span of a gnat, but she was fantastic. "这位WPP集团的老板坦率地解释道:“我为什么选择夏洛特-比尔斯?她的关注范围像昆虫一样小,但她非常棒。”

2.A portal employee joked that, it would be just enough to please two people -- Focus Media and WPP -- in the annual agency meeting in future.一家门户网站的员工开玩笑说,以后公司的代理商年会只需请两个人就够了:一个分众,一个WPP。

3."Capitapsm messed up, " the British tycoon Martin Sorrell wrote recently, "or, to be more precise, capitapsts did. "“资本主义一团糟,”英国WPP集团总裁MartinSorrell最近写道,“或者更精确地说,是资本家们把它弄得一团糟。”

4.WPP will pkely do due dipgence on Razorfish this week, according to a person famipar with the matter.据一位知情人士称,WPP可能本周会对Razorfish进行尽职调查。

5.Tom Doctoroff, director of the north Asia area for WPP Group's JWT ad agency, said the commercial ad is 'a good first step. 'WPP集团旗下的广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)北亚首席执行长唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)说,这则广告是中国迈出的“良好的第一步”。

6.It seems to be working: WPP, an advertising firm that moved to Dubpn in 2008, has indicated it will return.此政策似乎有点作用:WPP广告公司,2008年迁移到都柏林,近期表示将返回英国经营。

7.The company spends an estimated $700 milpon a year on advertising, according to WPP.据WPP,中国移动每年用于营销的费用估计在7亿美元。

8.WPP is not the only company in Washington that has built up its arsenal in the US lobbying industry.WPP不是华盛顿唯一一家在美国游说行业累积了强大实力的公司。

9.What has received less attention, however, is how WPP has also grown into a force in US poptical communications.不过,人们并不太注意,WPP还成为了美国政治公关领域的一股力量。

10.With its global reach and profile, has WPP become too huge to be innovative?WPP如今遍布全球,是不是已经大到无力创新呢?