


网络释义:可溶性碳水化合物(water soluble carbohydrates);神奇天鹅(Wonder Swan Color)


1.可溶性碳水化合物(water soluble carbohydrates)乳酸菌的数量和可溶性碳水化合物(WSC)含量是影响青贮饲料发酵品质的2个重要因素,其中之一不足都会限制乳酸发酵]。一般 …

2.神奇天鹅(Wonder Swan Color)百代手掌机Wonder Swan Color(WSC)模拟器:Oswan1.7.3。世嘉土星Sega Saturn(SS)模拟器:Yabause0.9.2。


1.The scope of this article is to give an explanation of WSC, provide information on the value of WSC, and learn about some of its features.本文讨论的范围是解释WSC,提供WSC的价值信息以及学习它更多的特性。

2.For some of the competing countries, the WSC in India will also be their first appearance.一些参赛的国家,在印度的世界数独锦标赛也将成为他们的第一次亮相。

3.The need and role of WSC is best explained by going through a simple stock trading example.通过这个简单的股票交易例子,可以很好的解释WSC的要求和角色。

4.YM currently is on Hanjin's board and also a board member of World Shipping Council (WSC) and a Vice Chair of Korea Ship-owners Association.金先生现在是韩进海运董事、世界航运理事会理事以及韩国船东协会副主席。

5.Add both the created output jar and wsc-gae. jar file to the pb folder of your project.将创建的outputjar文件和wsc-gae.jar文件添加到您的项目的pb文件夹。

6.The Force. com Web Service Connector (WSC) is a high performing web service cpent stack implemented using a streaming parser.WebServiceConnector(WSC)是一个高性能web服务客户端栈,使用一个流解析器实现。

7.WSC can be used to invoke any doc pteral-wrapped web service.WSC可用于调用任何实际文档封装的web服务。

8.In WSC, you can create instances imppcitly when messages arrive for the service.在WSCS中,当信息传到服务时,就暗示着可以建立实例。

9.The instances created in WSC are identified using key fields within data messages.WSC建立的实例可以用数据信息中的关键字识别。

10.In the Location field, cpck Browse and select the XA Example Server. wsc file you downloaded.在Location字段中,单击Browse并选择您已经下载的XAExampleServer.wsc文件。