


英文单词:Web Services on Devices; 词义消歧(Word Sense Disambiguation); 世界钢铁动态(World Steel Dynamics)


1.Web Services on Devices钢铁生产厂家行列,排名第9。世界钢铁动态(wsd)对17家世界级钢铁生产厂进行综合评价,认为鞍钢具有创新精神,给钢铁 …


1.Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has always been a difficult and hot points in natural language processing.词义消歧是自然然语言处理中的一个难点和热点问题。

2.This paper investigates their application effect on Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) by experiments.本文通过实验考察了这两种网络模型在汉语词义消歧上的应用效果。

3.WSD is usually considered as an issue about pattern classification to study, which feature selection, is an important component.通常把词义消歧作为模式分类问题进行研究,其中特征选择是一个重要的环节。

4.Second, word alignment is very important to SMT, using WSD to improve the result of word alignment.第二,词对齐对机器翻译起着很重要的作用,本文利用词义消歧改进词对齐。

5.Methods According to the high accuracy of WSD algorithm, two indicators are proposed, which are Lexical Similarity and Sense Similarity.方法根据主流消歧算法的特点,给出词汇相似度和义项相似度两个指标。

6.ANN's structure is relatively complex of its input for WSD.神经网络的结构相对复杂,用于词义消歧需要先解决输入问题。

7.The supervised WSD method based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) got a lower precision, only about 85% in open test.基于一阶隐马尔可夫模型的有指导词义消歧正确率比较低,开放测试在85%左右。

8.If successful, a registration certificate will be issued by WSD .若申请受接纳,会颁发一份注册证书。

9.The warship system development (WSD) is a core stage of the production of warship, and it is also a huge systemic project.舰船研制是舰船装备制造的核心阶段,是大型系统工程项目。

10.The experimental data shows that Bayesian network is fitter for solving the Chinese WSD than ANN.实验数据表明贝叶斯网络比神经网络更适合解决汉语词义消歧问题。
