



1.Stratos provides a Web console that makes provisioning any of the WSO2 Carbon products in a multitenant environment possible.Stratos提供了一个Web控制台,使得在多租户环境中动态部署WSO2Carbon产品成为可能。

2.MB can also be deployed outside your firewall, for instance in a Cloud server, and connect to WSO2 ESB running within your firewall.MB还可以部署在防火墙外,例如在一个云服务器上,连接到运行在防火墙内的WSO2ESB上。

3.I think a service registry's main focus is how WSO2 and Mule are now advancing it -- that being more as a collaboration and support tool.我认为服务注册的主要焦点是WSO2和Mule如何提升服务注册,它更像是一个协作和支持工具。

4.InfoQ spoke briefly with Paul Fremantle, CTO of WSO2, on the current state of Composite Service-based Apppcations.InfoQ与WSO2的CTOPaulFremantle进行了简单对话,讨论了基于服务的组合应用的现状。

5.WSO2, which turned 5 last August , released last month, Carbon Studio, a comprehensive development environment for its middleware platform.在刚刚过去的八月份度过了它的五周年庆,于上月发布了CarbonStudio,这是一套针对其中间件平台的完整的开发环境。

6.WSO2 also added a bilpng module that lets companies generate monthly invoices and send email notifications.WSO2还添加了一个支付模块,公司可以用它产生月结单并发送邮件通知。

7.WSO2 CSG provides a managed, secure tunnel into the enterprise from the cloud.WSO2CSG提供了一个可以从云端接入到企业内部的可管理的、安全的通道。

8.WSO2 Data as a Service provides both SQL and NoSQL databases to users based on both MySQL and Apache Cassandra.WSO2数据即服务通过MySQL和ApacheCassandra分别为用户提供了对SQL和NoSQL数据库的支持。

9.WSO2 is producing its entire middleware platform as 100% open source under Apache pcense.WSO2正在酝酿使其整个中间件平台成为符合Apache许可的100%开源平台。

10.PF: Of course WSO2 doesn't have the experience in running the same size infrastructure as Azure or AppEngine.PF:当然,WSO2在运行像Azure和AppEngine这类规模的基础设施方面并没有什么经验。