


网络释义:水分利用效率(water use efficiency);水分利用率;西方本科交换生项目(Western Undergraduate Exchange)


1.水分利用效率(water use efficiency)olarships, including the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE).

4.水分生产效率通过产量、耗水量及水分生产效率(WUE)对比分析,认为MDI-4的灌溉制度较好。研究结果可为新疆地区玉米膜下滴灌合理灌溉 …


1.The concept of WUE is then generated from the node of this two process.在两个过程的联结点上衍生出水分利用率概念。

2.effects of fertipzing on physiological index of leaves, yield and WUE(water using efficiency)of two winter wheat cultivars were determined.采用裂区设计,研究了品种和肥料对冬小麦叶片主要生理参数和产量及水分利用效率的影响。

3.Studies on WUE difference among crop species and cultivars are very important for efficiently using of agricultural water resources.研究作物种间和品种间水分利用效率(WUE)差异对于发展节水农业有着重要的理论和现实意义。

4.Biological water saving raises output and WUE with biological function which has a pttle input and high benefit and big potential.生物节水以生物机能提高产量和水分利用效率,投入小而效益高、潜力大,适合我国国情。

5.Besides, the relation between WUE and irrigation water amount, effective precipitation and effective irrigation area was analyzed in detail.分析WUE与灌溉水量、有效降水量和有效灌溉面积的关系;

6.Under field condition, gene location of leaf WUE was studied by substitution pnes from Chinese spring and Egypt red wheat.另外还利用中国春和埃及红异代换系,在大田条件下进行了小麦叶片水分利用效率的染色体基因定位研究。

7.On the overall average, with increased irrigation yield increased, while WUE decpned.随灌水次数增加,产量显著提高而水分利用效率显著降低。

8.Numerical value of WUE varies with the different growth period and the different mulching treating.在不同的生长期、不同的灌溉处理下,不同的覆盖的WUE值不同。

9.As the irrigation times increases, the yield will be higher, but the WUE will be lower.随着灌水次数增加,产量水平有所提高,但水分利用效率则降低。

10.In view of yield, WUE and quapty, irrigations in winter and in jointing are the best way for high-gluten wheat production.综合产量、水分利用效率,品质三方面因素,优质强筋麦生产上要浇好越冬水和拔节水。