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abbr.(=World War II)第二次世界大战



abbr.1.(=World War II)第二次世界大战

abbr.1.(=World War II)

1.二次大战前业投资之差异 重要名词 6.1 创业投资的起始 在二次大战前(WW II),美国有些公司会向有钱人家或家族筹资进行投资 ...

2.大战大战(WW II)期间,各国都发生过相关原料造成人

3.第二次世界大战起源於「第二次世界大战」(WW II)的三栖部队「美国海豹突击队」(United States Navy SEALs),这支神秘的海军力量一向行 …

4.迷你豹【老麦模型】RB 1/35 VK1602 迷你豹 (WW II) 金属炮管*35B112描述加载中 我要逛 我的淘宝 卖家中心 已卖出的宝贝 出售中的 …

5.两次世界大战两次世界大战(WW II)期间,各国都发生过相关原料造成人员中毒事件。英国在1916~41年间有475个TNT中毒案件,其中125人 …


1.Back in WW II he served as a radar technician. He is now an international star.一个79岁高龄的退休人员,英国人,二战时期雷达员,当今国际巨星。

2.And in case you don't know yet, Okinawa ITSELF was a kingdom invaded by Japan prior to WW II, along with its invasion on Korea.假如你还是不懂,(告诉你)冲绳自身就是日本在二战之前侵占的一个王国,就在日本侵占韩国之后。

3.Americans better get down on their knees today and thank the WW II and Korean War Veterans.今天,美国人更好地趴下膝盖感谢二战和朝鲜战争的老兵。

4.In WW II the hotel received the nickname 'White House'.这家酒店在第二次世界大战中获得了昵称“白宫”。

5.Chapter 4 mainly analyses the dynamical mechanism of the suburbanization of the United States after WW II.第4章重点讨论了战后美国郊区化的动力机制。

6.Most countries, during WW I and WW II, were reluctant to join the war and only did so when they saw the outcome of being passive.在一战和二战之中的大多数国家是不愿意参加战争的,只有看到了处于被动状态的后果时才这样做。

7.During World War I and WW II, the U. S. miptary enpsted more than 200, 000 pigeons to conduct surveillance and relay messages.在第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战期间,美军征募了超过20万只鸽子用于实施监测和转达信息。

8.During WW II many Jewish pves were saved by doctors performing operations connected to circumcision.二战期间,做包皮环切相关手术的医生救了很多犹太人的性命。

9.Wernher von Braun was brought to the US after WW II to work on rocket and space travel technology.沃纳冯布劳恩在二战后被带到美国研究火箭和太空旅行技术。

10.So when freedom came in 1947, India inherited an experienced army toughened in the crucible of WW-II.所以,当1947年印度迎来自由时,它也同时继承了一支经受过二战考验的经验丰富的军队。