




1.热烈的掌声 Drawing board 画桌 Warm applause 热烈的鼓掌欢迎 Law and order 法律和秩序 ...

3.热烈掌声 ... win applause1. 赢得掌声,也就是得到支持 warm applause1. 热烈掌声 APPLAUSE1. 鼓掌声 ...


1.In the waves of warm applause, she bowed to step down over and over, a one-trick is all style.在一阵阵热烈的掌声中,她唱完鞠躬下台,一招一式很有大家风范。

2.Hundreds of hands warm applause, applause to the new people seem to have given me.上百双手热烈鼓掌,掌声送给新人好象也送给了我。

3.After this speech, all persons in our class agree with me with the warm applause.此言一出,得到全班人一致赞同和热烈的掌声。

4.Although he sings songs did not sound good, or the whole class to it with warm applause.虽说他唱歌唱得不好听,可还是全班同学给它以热烈的掌声。

5.The inspired audience stood up and gave him a long and warm applause.受到鼓舞的听众站起来,对他报以长时间的热烈掌声。

6.First, let us welcome with a warm applause from Sweden to my school friends to visit.首先,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎来自瑞典的朋友到我校访问。

7.The signing and opening ceremony was successfully completed among the warm applause of all attending people.签约暨揭牌仪式在全体出席人员的热烈掌声中圆满落幕。

8.On the podium at the moment, CuSO won the audience 's warm applause.在登上领奖台的那一刻,丘索获得了现场观众最热烈的掌声。

9.He openly sung the song, everyone gave him a warm applause, I am even more grateful to him, and hands are beat red.他大大方方唱完了歌,大家给了他热烈的掌声,我更是感激他,手掌都拍红了。

10.Thanks for the thought-provoking speech, xx very strong guiding, let us once again with warm applause thank XX.感谢xx耐人寻味的讲话,富有极强的指导性,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢某某的讲话。